Boger Shiva with Pedals?

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Does anyone here use any modulation or EQ pedals with their Shivas? I don't mean OD/Dist, I'm talking about clean pedal on clean channel... Does your Shiva take these pedals well?
I use chorus and phaser straight into the clean channel, and it sounds great.
I have tried EQ and delay in the loop and in front. Great amp, just doesn't seem to take pedals well other than dirt pedals. It loves dirt pedals, just doesn't do as good with delay or EQ. Not saying it's bad, I just wondered if I need to tweak more. Even my Mojo Vibe and Mega Vibe both are kind of nasal going straight into clean.

It's a 2007 model with reverb. When I got it, it still had the original tubes. I have a Bias Rite due tomorrow which I hope helps once I get tubes in and biased.
I just wanted to post an update on this.

I was noticing the same thing recently. Some of my pedals sounded "nasal" thru the clean channel. In order to fix this, you have to switch on the BRIGHT switch, and then back off the TREBLE knob slightly.

It's funny - you can get a great clean tone with the bright off, and the treble cranked pretty high. Or you can use the bright on, with the treble at a normal range. Both of these sound VERY similar when the amp is set clean. But when you run an overdrive pedal into it, you really notice that the treble knob is affecting the high-mids, and the bright switch brings out that upper-high sheen.

Oddly enough, having the bright switch engaged results in a MUCH more natural sound from overdrive pedals.