Bogner 3534 50w NEW VERSION?



Well-known member
I read on another forum that there's a revision to the 3534 50w that includes some new switches. Has anyone else heard about this? I have found zero evidence for this online so I'm skeptical.
Yes- I had one I got new from Sweetwater right before the holidays

There are three new switches:

SB= changes where the presence frequencies are affected by the presence control
2/3 80's= adds clipping diodes to channels 2 and 3
3 Gain= changes the voicing on channel 3 from stock (101B), to higher md emphasis, or to lower mid emphasis

The really do add some more versatility to a sweet amp. I will say the SB switch did the least from what I could tell. It was very subtle.

I ended up sending the amp back after I picked up an open box XTC 20th Anniversary (6L6) from Sweetwater. The 50 watter was nice, 20th A was next level.

Here's a few pics of the amp I had:

