bogner ecstasy help

  • Thread starter Thread starter lessthan12
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Well it arrived this morning and have a few quick questions.
Upon powering up it makes a loud popping/whooping noise, is this normal? None of my other amps did this
the volume knobs do nothing until you hit around where 4 would be on other amps. Literally no sound until you turn the knob a quarter of a turn. Normal?
the chassis is a little warped on the back near the speaker outs, and the Half power swith and sound style switch look like models that are sticking out of the chassis.
sounds good but definitely not a bedroom amp lol
I got a brand new XTC recently had some bad JJ EL 34's power tubes made a noise when I powered on. Replaced them worked fine. The switches dont sit flush they might be out 1/16'.Try using the effects loop volume with the master volume for real low playing . The XTC has a pretty decent master volume. We need to see a pic maybe it got banged around in shipping.
Heres some pics of the bak, one of the speaker out a little bent? and the switches I thought were pushed out. And heres a video of what I mean by the amount you have to turn the master before any sound comes out

My volume knobs do the same exact thing, some play until the sound kicks on but I still get a good low TV volume. Switches are the same. Speaker jack looks a little fucked up. When the amp is set to OLD normal to get to some weird things going on. Even says it in the manual.