Sale or Trade Bogner / Marshall / Langner / Headfirst

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Here we go… going to make a bit of a dump post with some stuff I have to try and bait out other rare gear. I’d love to keep it all but I profile stuff as a business and sometimes you gotta make some moves. So let’s put some sweet treats out and see where it goes!

For trades I’m really limited on what I’m looking for … original Bogner XTC 100, Bogner Fish (white or black reissue), Bogner Triple Giant (actual Bogner one), VHT Classic Power Amp, VHT 2150 (purple), Friedman NAKED 😳, Wizard Hellrazer, Chrome chassis older Mesa Rectifiers.

Bogner Modded Marshall JCM800 212 Combo - $5K

early Bogner modded JCM 800. Can tell by the blue board inside this is built off of.
In the early days of Bogner modding Marshall’s the blue boards were used and slightly tweaked based on the goal for the specific amp. The legendary “Snorkler” mod was part of this generation.

This amp when scooped and pumping the low end has a lot of character the Uber Rev 1 I acquired recently has.

Langner DCP1 Creator (Original) - $5k

Here’s the reality of the situation… this is a rare unicorn item and desired by people who know exactly what it is. I’d love to keep it, and very well still might. However for the sake of running a profiling business I gotta put feelers out there if some one else wants this so I can bring new amps in the studio.

That said yes, this is old. It’s not brand new looking. This is a PRE PRODUCTION original build by Langner of these rare beasts. The chassis were done in house and there is a twists/offset to it. The finish is different than the later ones. Yes, there is stuff marking the inside because it’s old and wasn’t powder coated.

The preamp does have a bend to the level knob on the top left but functions to go on/off. The bottom rack ears have bend to the little tabs that could be straightened out if you’re looking to rack it up.

That said I don’t think you’re finding one of these floating around so if you want these old vintage thrash machines they are going to be … well used and old.

Headfirst Evil Joe - $3200

This amps a monster. I had to order one when the preorders for wave 1 opened and were going to be limited spots unfortunately a couple unicorn amps popped up I could not pass up so tkklhis has to go for now to make room. Skip the line and wait and grab one with max 20 hours play time on it from when I used it to make profiles

Info from the site -

In 2023 we custom built legendary producer Joe Barresi a high gain 50W EL34 powered head. This one-off amp was fine tuned by Jason, together with Joe, in Joe’s studio in Pasadena CA. Now in 2024 we are stoked to make this special collaboration amplifier available as a standard production model in the Headfirst lineup.

The Evil Joe is a take no prisoners high gain amp with a modern tonality. The two channels are versatile enough to be configured as clean and gain, or set it up for two channels of pure gain and distortion. Evil and Darkness!

The footswitchable F.T.G. front end boost brings in an extra gain stage, delivering 4 tones accessible via a 2 button footswitch. #FTG


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Where are your NADs and studio tours? Tell me more about your univorn amps!

I post on Instagram 😬 feel free to follow!


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I will. Also isnt’t that DCP-1 you got for $2500 on reverb? Todd fixed it for you?
I was able to fix it up. Not the first fucked from UPS amp I’ve had to work on 😂. Like the Fortin Meshuggah I got for $3k that showed up dead and ended up just needed a couple wires re soldered 😬. I could go on and on with the tales of shipping damages turned from fails to wins after the hassle and effort.
I was able to fix it up. Not the first fucked from UPS amp I’ve had to work on 😂. Like the Fortin Meshuggah I got for $3k that showed up dead and ended up just needed a couple wires re soldered 😬. I could go on and on with the tales of shipping damages turned from fails to wins after the hassle and effort.
Tbh I was surprised to see 2x the price.

Also in that thread you also requested me to tag Todd, I never knew you service amps yourself.
I was able to fix it up. Not the first fucked from UPS amp I’ve had to work on 😂.

Tbh I was surprised to see 2x the price.

Also in that thread you also requested me to tag Todd, I never knew you service amps yourself.
I’m not a professional or work on other people’s amps but I’ve done my own trouble shooting over the years. You have to be buying hundreds of amps for decades lmao. He recommended a couple things and not to touch anything unless I had to keep it close to stock. I corrected a ground issue and retubed it bam.

Todd offered me to ship it out and he would look at it for free, which was very nice, and do any repairs needed from there and let me know the cost. Didn’t want to just abuse the kindness and ship it out without getting hands on myself.
Also if you’re shocked at the price jump you haven’t been following the gear whore forums long enough 😂. One guy’s lucky find/deal is not usually passed on to the next. I’ve given homie hookups or been a nice guy in the past only to see the same items reposted and people making easily 500-1000 dollars. I’m ok no longer being a dope giving up free value on the secondary. Live and learn a few things as time goes by.
Also if you’re shocked at the price jump you haven’t been following the gear whore forums long enough 😂. One guy’s lucky find/deal is not usually passed on to the next. I’ve given homie hookups or been a nice guy in the past only to see the same items reposted and people making easily 500-1000 dollars. I’m ok no longer being a dope giving up free value on the secondary. Live and learn a few things as time goes by.
Oh, I see. Usually not the case with regulars here tbh
Afa pre production these were all handmade. There was no "pre production," same with the Elite. Only difference was one was painted and the other anodized. Nothing special about yours it was just the first run prior to the Elite. Todd Langner was a close friend of mine. Believe me when I tell you I know. Beautiful preamp, GLWTS.
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From what I have been told the internals/board on mine is different and therefore an earlier one 🤷🏻‍♂️. Different than the later common produced one that would be found of these rare units.

I had reached out to Omega Amps if they could locate the mod schematics for me and implement them if it made sense to. However, they were finding a different version of the board and a cleaner “production” layout in their initial search.

I reached out to Wilcox on here and he advised the following to make me feel ease everything was legit when I got this.

Don’t know what to say, I’m just going of my findings researching things here. Please feel free to provide more info past this if you’re the Langner expert in the world I should be consulting.

From what I have gathered researching this:

- boards were different in the later ones. I don’t have a later one sitting here to compare. If anyone does feel free to toss a pic for comparison.
- as you mentioned chassis was different. One post said his dad made and formed the earlier ones by hand before they had ones premade sourced for production…
- wiring looked cleaner and a bit different in the later ones than mine pictured here I was also told. Bit more less profession/production look and attention to detail.
- earlier ones (be it subjective) I was advised have a preferable sound. Mesa Rev whatever IIC+++ dudes can always appreciate and sniff the unicorn farts.
- people were listing the later ones for $5-6k and I found people in forum posts last year saying to “jump on it” “no regrets” at those price points. So I based my trade value there on the low end to start.


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Yes, these have a different board and layout...again nothing makes them rarer other than they are just the first preamp he made vs the second. If you really want an expert there are many people here who know that sloppy wiring vs neat has no effect on tone if it's done right, it will not induce unwanted signal into the circuit when done by a pro like Todd. As I said and many know the first preamp was more raw than the second. Does that mean it's worth more to everyone!!?

It's obvious you're offended that I know what I'm talking about having first hand knowledge and saying so. If you want to talk up and bullshit that the first one is the one to have and yours is special I can only wish you luck like I did in the prior post. Beautiful preamp, GLWTS.
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Found pics on reverb of the later ones I remember being shown before. You can see how the boards look more like a ready for production polished product vs the one I posted. Chassis isn’t a home made style one. There also is no choke and smaller transformer in there from what I’m seeing.

My understanding was these earlier ones went to artists/friends requesting the builds before he was making them more available, or at least tried to. Please correct me on any of that being accurate as o can just go by and piece together what I find on the net and from various conversations.
Also if you’re shocked at the price jump you haven’t been following the gear whore forums long enough 😂. One guy’s lucky find/deal is not usually passed on to the next. I’ve given homie hookups or been a nice guy in the past only to see the same items reposted and people making easily 500-1000 dollars. I’m ok no longer being a dope giving up free value on the secondary. Live and learn a few things as time goes by.
Ya but some prices atm are just not purchasable because the price is retarded and the amp is not that valuable . People are making up shit way too much . It sad
Ya but some prices atm are just not purchasable because the price is retarded and the amp is not that valuable . People are making up shit way too much . It sad
Sure on some things absolutely. I found a forum post from a year ago the langners at 5-6k “were a steal” and those weren’t the originals.

The Bogner JCM I feel is fairly priced too. I took it as a 4-5k trade value in a deal and the last posting I found for it which I attached here was in that ball park. I just dropped personally 4500 on a XTC JCM 800 mod Reinhold did and he charged me close to $2k for modding up my JMP to these Snorkler specs just last month. Add the price of getting a JMP/JCM to that and the rarity of the mods that not unreasonable.

Headfirst evil how JUST came out and like 10 exist until the next run in a few months. I’m asking for less than I paid.

Keep in mind anyone’s free to send an offer and not just cry about pricing. No matter how low something is posted people will try to chew it down unless it’s a crazy blow out price. We all think know this game. Post full value, see what offers roll in. People declining 15k for Rev C duals and IIC++ Coli builds just shows how absolutely dumb the gear market is. But here we are and I have some rare shit too :)
Sure on some things absolutely. I found a forum post from a year ago the langners at 5-6k “were a steal” and those weren’t the originals.

The Bogner JCM I feel is fairly priced too. I took it as a 4-5k trade value in a deal and the last posting I found for it which I attached here was in that ball park. I just dropped personally 4500 on a XTC JCM 800 mod Reinhold did and he charged me close to $2k for modding up my JMP to these Snorkler specs just last month. Add the price of getting a JMP/JCM to that and the rarity of the mods that not unreasonable.

Headfirst evil how JUST came out and like 10 exist until the next run in a few months. I’m asking for less than I paid.

Keep in mind anyone’s free to send an offer and not just cry about pricing. No matter how low something is posted people will try to chew it down unless it’s a crazy blow out price. We all think know this game. Post full value, see what offers roll in. People declining 15k for Rev C duals and IIC++ Coli builds just shows how absolutely dumb the gear market is. But here we are and I have some rare shit too :)
I was not saying you did. I was taking in general