Trippled":2knllecc said:
So I emailed Bogner amps and asked about the difference between the current blue revision
and the 1st and 2nd revisions.
Here is what he stated: "Blue revision Uber is same as Original, just a different color pc board with a slightly different layout, same audio circuit, only difference new pots for gain so it is better controllable".
I keep hearing people saying that the blue revision is alot brighter anbd less compressed
and that kinda stops me from ordering a new blue rev from bogner.
Did sanyone here truely had both revisions and found that he cant get the blue to sound like
the older?
Since I'm lazy, I will just echo Death by Uberschall's response to this question from another thread:
This is the basic rundown of the Uberschalls:
Original - Fast gain taper on Gain Channel (some have said almost like an Off/On kind of jump in gain), high plate voltage, good power section compression/sag when pushed, Clean Channel volume slightly lower than Gain Channel by comparison, plastic carry handle (although some Original Uberschalls got the leather handle just prior to transitioning into the Rev2), EL34
Rev2 - Reduced gain taper on Gain Channel (same gain, just more controllable), high plate voltage, good power section compression/sag when pushed, Clean Channel volume slightly lower than Gain Channel by comparison, leather carry handle, EL34
Revision Blue - Same basic gain structure, lower plate voltage, less power section compression/sag when pushed, Clean Channel volume matched closer to Gain Channel, re-design of circuits, addition of Loop volume control, bias test points, power jewel changed to smaller LED type, dedicated design ability to allow power section slaving from an outside source (but this can be accomplished on Original/Rev2 versions), EL34
Twin Jet 1.0 - Gain Channel re-design in a direction towards the Original/Rev2 designs, plate voltage unknown at this time so I can't say, less power section compression (due to the design switch to KT88 power tubes), Clean channel re-do in the direction of a high gain modded Marshall tone with very little ability to get a truly clean sound, addition of power section Presence and Depth controls, KT88
Twin Jet 1.1 - The same as 1.0 but with a modded gain taper on the clean channel, same level of gain available as 1.0 with the ability to go lower gain and clean up better
Now keep in mind, I made up TJ 1.0/1.1 for the purpose of comparison , I don't think Bogner looks at them that way. Bogner does offer to perform the Clean Channel mod for anybody who owns what I call 1.0 at no charge.
These are the main differences I know about. I don't know specific component values between the different versions from a design stand point, but I can say my descriptions above, for the most part, are right on the money by way of research, comparisons and the general consensus from those who have had time with them. The volume difference between the Clean Channel and Gain Channel on the Original and Rev2 seem to be exaggerated. Yes there is a difference, but nothing that can't be fixed by just turning the Clean Channel Volume control up a little more than the Gain Channel volume control. Another words, adjust the amp with you ears, not your eyes.
The only thing I might add to this, based on my experience, is that the Rev. 2 seemed to be more organic and 3-dimensional. It seemed like the Blue I played might have been a little tighter, but didnt have quite the low end depth or smooth highs that my Rev. 2 has. Please note I have only heard the Rev. 2 and Blue versions, the new TJ's might have advantages of their own, based on your preferences.