Bogner Uber Ultra EL34 vs 6L6 - Who played both?

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Simon Dorn
Simon Dorn
Well-known member
I did not really like the EL34 version, but i was recently watching some clips of the 6L6 which were more of my taste.
Who played both and has impressions to share?
The reason for the question is: I'm a bit dumb, i'm waiting for a JP-2C and i'm in "I hate my 2203" mood at the moment.
And i found a Shop who has a 6L6 Version. :D
I did not really like the EL34 version, but i was recently watching some clips of the 6L6 which were more of my taste.
Who played both and has impressions to share?
The reason for the question is: I'm a bit dumb, i'm waiting for a JP-2C and i'm in "I hate my 2203" mood at the moment.
And i found a Shop who has a 6L6 Version. :D
Would love to compare all of them.

Even though 6L6 is new to the Uber family once I heard a youtube clip that is the one I got.

There aren't too many clips out there to go off of and it is youtube after all but to me the 6L6 sounded better and just more brutal compared to the others.

Really wish I had them all here to compare as I have the same question as you. Following this
This you?

I already asked you this on YouTube. ;)
Thanks for your reply.
P.s.: I guess you made the right choice.

No, sorry, asked this guy. Whoever he is. :D
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This you?

I already asked you this on YouTube. ;)
Thanks for your reply.
P.s.: I guess you made the right choice.

No, sorry, asked this guy. Whoever he is. :D

Yeah they're both me.

I made a 2nd youtube that was supposed to be for this band but the drummer flaked. Accidentally uploaded a few there.

Ironically the clip I heard that sold me on the 6L6 was from another Rig Talk member.
I played both. I settled on El34 version, with KT77s. More balanced frequency response, and the upper mids are smoother. It was a bit honky and too compressed with El34s for my tastes
I owned the KT88 and el34 version at the same time. They sounded pretty much the same to me. Wasn't worth keeping both. I traded the KT88 to a buddy rather than send back to Sweetwater. Still would like to try the 6L version, but something tells me it won't be terribly different that couldn't be compensated for with the EQ

Here's a few iphone videos I did comparing the two.

I owned the KT88 and el34 version at the same time. They sounded pretty much the same to me. Wasn't worth keeping both. I traded the KT88 to a buddy rather than send back to Sweetwater. Still would like to try the 6L version, but something tells me it won't be terribly different that couldn't be compensated for with the EQ

Here's a few iphone videos I did comparing the two.

I have tabs open with your clips. Was abou to share them and ask who this is. :D
You have a clip of the 6L6 as well?!

You are propably right, that they aren't terribly different...
Is it right, that the 6L6 has different transformer(s)?
I have tabs open with your clips. Was abou to share them and ask who this is. :D
You have a clip of the 6L6 as well?!

You are propably right, that they aren't terribly different...
Is it right, that the 6L6 has different transformer(s)?

That would be @Apex1Rg7X I uploaded his clip he sent me so I could share it with someone. I've never actually played one. @Apex1Rg7X has owned that version and the KT88 version.

I believe the 6L transformers are actually different than those used in the el and KT models
I played both. I settled on El34 version, with KT77s. More balanced frequency response, and the upper mids are smoother. It was a bit honky and too compressed with El34s for my tastes
That's what i hope it would lose with 6L6s.
Yeah they're both me.

I made a 2nd youtube that was supposed to be for this band but the drummer flaked. Accidentally uploaded a few there.

Ironically the clip I heard that sold me on the 6L6 was from another Rig Talk member.
So it's your fault?!?!11!!
Ok, cool. :D
That would be @Apex1Rg7X I uploaded his clip he sent me so I could share it with someone. I've never actually played one. @Apex1Rg7X has owned that version and the KT88 version.

I believe the 6L transformers are actually different than those used in the el and KT models
Damn. It's getting complicated... :)
I played both. I settled on El34 version, with KT77s. More balanced frequency response, and the upper mids are smoother. It was a bit honky and too compressed with El34s for my tastes
What was the "problem" with the 6L6 version, or to be more specific: what made you pick the EL34 over the 6L6?
Yeah it's annoyingly complicated tbh.

6L6 models have different Transformers and you cannot mix and match tubes.
That would be @Apex1Rg7X I uploaded his clip he sent me so I could share it with someone. I've never actually played one. @Apex1Rg7X has owned that version and the KT88 version.

I believe the 6L transformers are actually different than those used in the el and KT models
Thats the clip I heard that immediately made me say I need that amp. Ironically saw one pop up used on the same day. Was destined to have it.

Maybe still in the honeymoon but I absolutely love the amp and still think it's the best I've had. I wouldn't say it's perfect by any means, there's a few things I would suggest for a mk3 but it's still badass for me.
I honestly feel like the 3 versions is a waste. I think he could've designed one amp and just allowed tube swapping for those that want to change it up.

The EL34 version will accept KT88's. I believe most EL34 amps will accept 6L6's (but not the other way around) as well with a small mod or two.
Did you keep the KT88, or the 6L6, or none and why?
I don't have any of them anymore. I stuck with a couple other amps instead and I'm ok without the Uber for now. I could see myself grabbing one again in the near future though.