sonic":3aspepgu said:
I am not yet sure if i should go for the herbie or the vh4. I dont like scooped sound razorblades and i want attack. I am not sure if this is the vh4 or the herbert...
as for the bogners i used to be in favour of the preamps with separate power amps. The sound of the rack i think it is alwas more defined and cleaner. That is what i used to believe. Now i am in the process of changing my mind as i really cant find a fantastic power amp. And NO the vht power amps are not that great...
James Lugo said the VH4 is the most versatile amp he's ever had in his studio - and although his word is not gospel - he does know what he's doing in a studio environment. I speak about gain and such a lot when it comes to amps, and volume. This is the key - if one actually uncorks an amp to its full potential with volume, the gain factor seems to be less of a concern than those who play at lower volumes. The Herbert is looser, and it's got a huge fan base. The VH4 is the original Diezel signature sound amp, and although it's gone through several iterations, it is a monster. Versatility though, would be greater with the VH4 for a studio environment.
The interesting thing here is Bogner and Diezel are my fave amps....and it's almost like ya have to take into consideration which one your getting of one manufacturer to help you decide which one to get from the other - know what I mean? Like, it'd be kinda self defeating IMHO to get a Herbert and an Uberschall. And it might be equally as self defeating to get an XTC and a VH4, see what I'm talking about? The V and X cover a LOT of territory, and the Uberschall and Herbert are more gain focuses. I'd still choose a Herbert over an Uberschall though as it once again, has more terrain it can cover. But man, good luck with this endeavor - main thing is to make sure you don't have too much cross over with the amps. Rely on some FX and racks to modify the ones you will get.