GtarLover":vjn7gghe said:
Uncle Mo, I know you have a 20th XTC,
How does the twin jet compare, if it does..?
It doesn't really compare other than the fact it's got lots of that juicy Bogner tone.
The 20thA is outrageously awesome, we all know it's a 3 channel multi-mode head, yada yada yada. It goes the distance, very versatile. And retains a lot of that chewy, grinding, mid-heavy grunt in the gainier zones.
The TwinJet is different. I've owned both stock and my current PurpleMod. The stock offered 2 channels, I'd say they're both more abrupt and open. More immediate. The 1st channel had a mod that could taper the gain down to get a clean out of it, the Purple Mod tapered the gain "up" to make it more hot-rodded. So, in my case, 2 channels of dirt/OD/gain. But to compare the two, it's going to come down to the fact that Ch.2 on the TwinJet is brutal in a very good way. It's got incredible thickness to it, gobs of hot gain, loads of clarity, and I'm talking insane amounts of lowend thunder. It really is the most potent lowend thump I've heard out of a high-gain head. It's nuts. The tone - compared to the XTC - is more modern in these higher gain arenas. It's more cutting, sharp and clear. The XTC is warm sounding, the TwinJet is more bold.
I could go on, but it's a hard thing to describe even though they are totally and completely 2 different heads offering very different things. What's interesting though is that the XTC can do high gain stuff no problem, and the TJ can do moderate bluesy smokey style licks no problem. So versatility is up there too. But where the TJ slays is in the aggressive department - and I might add - there's no fizz, ever, when it's mic'd. And I've actually heard this from other TJ and Uber owners as well - piece of cake to mic up, no fizz. It's got sizzle - for sure - but no fizz.
Does this help??