Boss SDE 3000 EVH wet/dry/wet issu



New member
I recently got a second hand Boss SDE 3000 EVH with the intention of setting up a wet/dry/wet rig but I can’t for the life of me getting it to work
For a really simple test I’ve reset the unit to factory setting and connected the guitar to input L (mono)
As far as I can tell from the manual then output L and R should be in stereo by l default.
The raw+delay mix does come out of the outputs but in mono sync, I.e both identical echos at the same time out of L/R..
I’ve tried all EVH presets and I’ve tried all the different outputs to no avail
I tried connecting all three outputs cables (left, dry, right) but the same thing happens
What on earth am I doing wrong?

I’ve tried all combinations in the menu with stereo in/out but I just can’t get it to work

I intend to use it with Logic as an outboard fx unit with mono in, stereo out with kill dry but before getting that to work I need the basic stuff to play first..

Any ideas?
I suspect you may be having similar issues illustrated in this previous thread with how the SDE3000 was designed. If you are trying to use the 4 cable method as directed in the SDE3000 manual you will need 3 EVH amp heads.

The EVH SDE3000 presets are designed to only work with 3 EVH heads. One Dry and two Wet. I am unsure how it should be used if only needing a L and R stereo for the wet cabs.

You will note that Andy Wood is using three EVH 100 heads to use it the way it set up from the factory. Maybe you can get some answers from andy's video..... I tap my dry signal from the head with a suhr iso line out and that line level output feeds an Eventide Pitchfactor and Boss DD500 and two Catalinbread Talismans to a Matrix GT1000FX for my L/R Wet cab setup. My dry cabinet is not routed through any of the wet effects units.

Sorry I couldn't be more help hopefully the thread has some answers for you.
