Buddies, there's a new VH4 on the city!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter RaulTx
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Hello buddies!! :rock:

After a few months reading, asking and thinking about it, I decided some weeks ago to increase the Diezel family with a new VH4, and I just wanted to share with you all my "new amp day"!!! (that in fact was the last Friday). Here I go with some pics:



Well, what can I say about this masterpiece!!! i'm f**** in love with the Ch.3!!!!!!! All you VH4 owners know what I'm talking about... The leads on the Ch.4 are really awesome, and the Ch.2, that I initially thought that was the less "usable" for me, it's great for rock tones!!! the cleans are also nice (it's cool that Bright feature), but on this department, I think that my Einstein wins.

Finally, I would like to give a big THANKS to some people that has helped me a lot in the last months: Joey, Olaf, Nick, and specially to Papa Peter and Peter S., you all know why :thumbsup:

Let's keep rocking the world with our Diezels!!!

Welcome buddy! Get some clips up with that beast!

Sweet, I just played one for the first time and loved it.
Nice man! cool too see you finally have them both so compare!

I would have loved to keep the Einstein along with the VH4, but too much cash parked :gethim: ... and I believe the VH4 does what I do best. (surprisingly I like he VH4's cleans better, same with the crunch tones (VH4 channel 2 vs Einstein Texas mode) I'd have loved to keep that Einstein's channel 2 though!

But again, time passes and our tone taste varies with it....I'd love to own a Schmidt in the future so who knows...I could prob. sell the VH4 and get one...but only time will tell.

Thank you guys!! :)

Nick, about recording, I've no experience on it!!! and I mean NO experience.. :no:
But yes, everytime I listen to the clips around the forum, I think that maybe it's time to start trying something...

Joey, a new Egnater has appreared on your rig? ;-)
I have played mine for 4 years now and still dig it! Congrats!
Hard & Heavy....theres a space for it right there on top of your other cabinet!! :thumbsup:

Congrats on your purchase!! its a super amp!
For me to get into the Einstein type clean tone I use a BB preamp set to unity gain, or no boost.
From their, I can used the Treble and Bass knobs on the BB to tweak it. A bit more clean boost and it compresses beautifully.
For Channel 2, if you use the BB again with more boost it's a seriously touch sensitive Mother F*&cker that is unreal.
IMO, Channel two could put Marshall out of business. The amp is a masterpiece, period.

Choosing between an Einstein and a VH4 is like choosing a Michaelangelo or DaVinci.