Burn in tubes with a tweaker 15?

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Is this a valid technique to let tubes 'cook' overnight if you don't need to bias the tubes anyway? I see it as wasting power tube life in the long run. Thoughts from the geniuses here?
Sure, and add some tenderizer. Glass is tough on the digestive tract..
most tube places burn them in for 40 hours before they test and match them. if a tube is going to fail its in the first 40 hours and to get the best test results they need the burn in.....but check before you buy....pre amp valves last ages....power tubes???? I change mine every 10 months in my main amp, you should also change the phase inverter when you change your power tubes. I don't think leaving your amp on stand by overnight will burn them in anyway so I wouldn't worry, it might help but I doubt it. hope that helps...have a good one.
I don't know about tube manufacturers test techniques. But you, the end user having to burn in a tube is a myth. Ever seen those instructions on your box? Sure fire receipe to ruin your tubes..