Cameron Aldrich clip.

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Around three years ago a friend of mine (Mike) was working with another friend for her college music final which had to be an original musical presentation. He is a massive Mesa Boogie fan and has owned multiple 2C++ amp (had them all modded easily 15 years ago). They were looking for someone to play a solo as my friend is just a rhythm player.

So he called me up one day and asked me to stop over the next day around 9 pm to lay down a solo. He sent me a raw track so I got to hear it ahead of time. So the next day, I brought over a EMG loaded Charvel and my 1972 Marshall that had the Cameron Aldrich mod. Plugged into a 4x12 loaded with Celestion 75’s and went to work. Of course the raw clip he sent me was supposed to only have a 20 second solo spot, which is pretty simple…. Until he changed it to almost a minute ??. He put the backing track on and I just started playing to see what I could get. After about 10 minutes, Mike said let’s record. He was happy with the first take ?. I wasn’t, as I wanted to clean up a few bends and a sweep. He said nope, so without further ado, here is the solo clip. I usually don’t like to share this stuff, but with all of the 2C++ talk, I felt it would be kinda cool.

I sold this amp last year or so. ?. Was the best Aldrich mod I heard.

As a typical guitar player I'll just say: wish it was higher in the mix!

But killer playing! I just wish I could hear the amp a little more.
As a typical guitar player I'll just say: wish it was higher in the mix!

But killer playing! I just wish I could hear the amp a little more.
I think it might be like this because I did a screen record of the sound cloud clip. The girl Allison has since deleted it, so I was lucky for saving what I had.

Solo is a bit low, but the rhythm sounds great though.
Really, really excellent lead work. Smokin chops and solid phrasing.
Thx for the nice words.

One funny thing I didn’t mention is that I don’t know and never met the girl who’s project this was. ?
and then they say T75s sound garbage... ripping sound and playing man! Cuts great!
I've always liked 75's. In the right cabinet they sound great...
Totally agree with 75's sounding awesome with the right set up. Admittedly, I was a "hater" back in the day haha. Then I heard them with the right amps and my tune changed. Now I have an old JCM800 slant cab with a quad it sounds killer. They seem to benefit from a little more volume than say a V30 for example. Great playing by the way.