Celestion Creamback M65 fans?

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Hey guys,

I used to use Greenbacks and Lynchbacks for years. I eventually started using mostly V30s, K100s, CL80s, Mesa C90s and Redbacks.

I've been craving some of the tone and feel I got from GB type speakers, but I no longer own my Greenbacks and Lynchbacks.

I already have like I said, Redbacks, Mesa V30s. I'm thinking I could grab CB M65s to pair with my V30s, and maybe eventually getting CL80s or C90s.
Believe it or not, Celestion recommends the Cream back M66 with either V30s, CL80s or CB H75s.
To me, the H75, lacks the warm and woody mids of the M65/GB. Even my Redbacks have more warmth and better mids than the H75.

Anyone try the Creamback M65 for not only rock and hard rock, but metal, as well?
Yup... love 'em. The ONLY reason I don't use them anymore is because I ran into the Alnico Creams (which are much more expensive) and they are out of this world. Until that moment, I thought 65's were the best I had heard. They would pair just fine with the V30.
Huge huge huge fan…. The only speaker I use personally outside of V30s and it’s derivatives such as the Marshall vintage speaker. They are absolutely killer to me. I have an Engl 4x12 loaded with 2 of those and V30s 8 ohm in an X pattern and it’s just an absolutely insanely punchy and clear cabinet all the way around. A solid alternative to the V30 and greenback.
also…. If you want an idea of what this cabinet and this speaker specifically can sound like, listen to Havoks record “V”, came out around 2018. That’s a driftwood purple nightmare on an Engl cab with creamback 65s exactly like my Engl cab, and a peppers dirty tree for a boost. One of my favorite sounding records ever.
Yup... love 'em. The ONLY reason I don't use them anymore is because I ran into the Alnico Creams (which are much more expensive) and they are out of this world. Until that moment, I thought 65's were the best I had heard. They would pair just fine with the V30.
I had never thought about Alnico Creams for hard rock and metal. Thanks!
Expensive like EV speakers? I didn't get EVM12L speakers because it was too much to afford. Worried I'd want those or Alnicos for all my cabs.
I love Redbacks a ton, so if the M65 is on par, but different, this may be my next speaker.
Unfortunately my V30s are the stock 16 ohm speakers in my Bogner 412, and I wanted to try 8 ohm. Yet, I never really hear a difference, so probably won't matter.

For now I think I'll order the M65s and pair with my V30s, and hopefully wire to 4 ohms.
Otherwise, I could order M65 8 ohmspeakets and wait till I can replace my 16 ohm China V30s (current Bogner 412).
Maybe these China V30s are fine. I've heard new Orange cabs with China V30s sound better than Mesa cabs with UK V30s.

Anyway, I'm trying to think ahead, so if I get 8 ohm M65s, they'll have to sit till I can replace the 16 ohm V30s.
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also…. If you want an idea of what this cabinet and this speaker specifically can sound like, listen to Havoks record “V”, came out around 2018. That’s a driftwood purple nightmare on an Engl cab with creamback 65s exactly like my Engl cab, and a peppers dirty tree for a boost. One of my favorite sounding records ever.

Love that Havok album. I didn't know it was a Driftwood.
I hated Alnico creams, especially for metal. Much to soft sounding. They were better mixed with v30s, but eventually I sold all the ones I had. I have a Wizard 412 with M65s now and I like it a lot more..
Cool guys, this is a big help. I'm gonna get M65s.
I have to decide to either get 16 ohm and mix with my 16 ohm V30s and run them at 4 ohms, or get all new 8 ohm speakers and run the can at 8 ohms. Then only my 212 cabs will be 16 ohm speakers,

Although my ears don't really hear a difference except for speaker loads.
It is actually one of my favorite speakers I've used them with Marshall's, Soldanos, Mezzabarba, Bogner 101b, 3534, Shiva 20th & Atma. Great speakers!
I've bought several of them from Sweetwater. They have always been made in UK. I don't know if they are made in China at all but I have found the UK speakers especially V-30s are better. I would run a "want to buy" thread that way you're getting one that is hopefully fully broken in.?
Huge huge huge fan…. The only speaker I use personally outside of V30s and it’s derivatives such as the Marshall vintage speaker. They are absolutely killer to me. I have an Engl 4x12 loaded with 2 of those and V30s 8 ohm in an X pattern and it’s just an absolutely insanely punchy and clear cabinet all the way around. A solid alternative to the V30 and greenback.

I've found it interesting when you've mentioned in the past that you like M65s since there are so many complaints online about them sounding a bit muddy/loose, while your recordings obviously aren't muddy at all. It makes me wonder if it's a case of them having all the right frequencies to sound good in a mix and they just need a little help with EQ tweaking? Either way, I've been keeping an eye out for a pair to try since they do seem nice.
I've found it interesting when you've mentioned in the past that you like M65s since there are so many complaints online about them sounding a bit muddy/loose, while your recordings obviously aren't muddy at all. It makes me wonder if it's a case of them having all the right frequencies to sound good in a mix and they just need a little help with EQ tweaking? Either way, I've been keeping an eye out for a pair to try since they do seem nice.

People are idiots, I don’t know what else to say. People say the most ridiculous things online and I just roll my eyes. My Engl cab is the tightest cab I own I think personally. I personally don’t think they need anymore or less eq in a mix than anything else that I use, they are just different. That havok record I referenced is a great example of the grind and crunch those speakers can dish out in my opinion. Definitely nothing loose or muddy about them to me at all.
I have a 2x12 Mesa recto cab that I pulled one of the v30s out and put a m65 creamback in. It’s a great mix and sounds awesome with anything I put through it. I also have one in a closed back 1x12 cab that I use for my Mesa v25. Like it much better than a single v30 for that amp.
I've bought several of them from Sweetwater. They have always been made in UK. I don't know if they are made in China at all but I have found the UK speakers especially V-30s are better. I would run a "want to buy" thread that way you're getting one that is hopefully fully broken in.?
Yes, Creambacks are UK only. My Bogner V30s are China.
If have to sell my V30s and use some of that money to buy UK made speakers. What a pain. :(
True, but your ears will say it was well worth it??
Good point.
Next step, sell my V30s.
I may pull them and list them tonight.

Some guys claim with China V30s, you can just dial in the EQ, to get them to sound like UK V30s.

When I get the M65s, I'll think about which speakers to get to blend with them. I like mixing speakers. Either Mesa V30s, C90s/CL80s or H75s.
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Huge fan here, I use to use the greens and V30’s mixed until I swapped the greens for the creams. To me it was 10 times better. Sold off all the greens.
True, but your ears will say it was well worth it??
Good point.
Next step, sell my V30s.
When I get the M65s, I'll think about which speakers to get to blend with them. I like mixing speakers. Either Mesa V30s, C90s/CL80s or H75
Hmm, I just found a guy selling UK (Mesa) V30s for $140 shipped.

Could also do CL80/M65 or CL80/V30.
I used to have Lynchback/CL80 and loved it.