Cheap 24 fretter?


Well-known member
Any suggestions for a 24 fret guitar that can be obtained cheap, plays well, and isn't a piece of junk? I could also swing 22, but 24 is preferred. Preferably strat/super strat shapes, but definitely no V's, Explorers, etc... I need something that I can bring to work to jam on off and on during breaks as well as bring on road trips. I'd bring one of my other guitars but quite frankly I feel kind of odd leaving a $600+ guitar sitting around in the office (where most likely someone will come up to it and play on it for kicks).

Rondomusic maybe? Ibanez RG321MH? Used guitar suggestions?

And by cheap I mean under $300
look for used RG's on ebay - they're my favorite lower end guitars for sure. You'll find some lower end ESP's as well which are decent guitars.
I dont know if they still make them, but i have a MusicYo kramer (baretta FX404 i think). 24 frets, neck-thru, maple board, string-thru. It was ridiculously cheap, in is an awesome guitar for the $$$.
I'd try to save for the RG5xx and above models as they have the best trems. However, if you don't care about trems that much and are gonna just block it anyway, the 4xx are good models which can be had for like $250-$300.
I just got a older Charvel from FUZZboat for really cheap, and it's a REALLY sweet guitar, I'm in love with it. Send him a PM and maybe he'll have something else.