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Clean out Stickies?

  • Thread starter Thread starter glpg80
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Well-known member
Is there a reason we have two different new member stickies, a “how old are you” sticky which is honestly OT, and an outdated locked board upgrade sticky?

Can mods please take a hard look reducing the number of stickies on the main forum? It’s getting bit out of hand.
The PSA - Home Page Incoming thread was still-active 2 days ago. The one in the RT sub-forum is merely a pointer to it (hence being locked).

When activity's ceased for long-enough I'll "de-stickify" both of them, just as I did for the PSA - Home Page Incoming thread a few days ago.

The raffle sticky will likely remain in-place 'til shortly after the prize is drawn.

The “how old are you” sticky is in fact 2 stickies that I merged not that long ago.

FWIMBW Brother M, I'm always aware of this stuff. For example, there're 4 scam-related stickies in the Classifieds section that I've been considering merging since the 2FA implementation. That would reduce the 8 to 5. When the thread-pointer and raffle stickies are gone the main sub-forum's count will go from 8 to 6.
So here’s my perspective having shared yours.

We don’t need a gif image sticky that isn’t mandated music gear related in the gear section. Stick it in OT.

The age one has been up for ages and can be unstickied to let it die like any other thread. It’s been up long enough that original votes are in the wrong categories.

Nixx all of the new member random threads and create your own single sticky titled correctly for it.

Your mod update sticky is no longer relevant as that’s the music topic forum and the update is already done. That’s what the feedback section is for which you already have a sticky there too with movement so why the other one in the wrong section? People can navigate without stickies.

The raffle is for a good cause and can stay for now.

Combine the trigger happy reporting sticky with the new member sticky you create yourself and you knock out two birds one stone. Title it mandated new member introduction.

It’s the rig talk feedback section and I’m just posting ideas. You may not think the number of them is anything crazy but on mobile apps it’s all you see. I’m not demanding anything be done but just providing feedback to help cull the sticky invasion lol
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We don’t need a gif image sticky that isn’t mandated music gear related in the gear section. Stick it in OT.
The The Official Epic Pics / Gifs / Vids & Riffs Thread also gathers together links to epic / classic threads in post #3. I've just now edited the title to include "Threads".

The OP asked in post #1:

MonkeyMan/Mods - please do not move this to Off Topic. We will keep this clean enough an political free. If we move it there it will get destroyed :D

Plus we need something here that is light hearted and fun, especially for those that dare NOT enter the OT. Similar to GGF's thread.

Rule #1 - No political BS please. If you are that compelled, make your own thread in teh OT.
Rule #2 - No nudity, harassments, threats or other off put bullshit. This is a great community. Don't be that guy.
... and I agree with all sentiments. Thread has remained sufficiently-clean and there's a "dirty" alternative already in OTC:

Funny photo of the day

The age sticky is there to help new and potential members familiarise themselves with the lay of the land; it doesn't have to be 100%-accurate.

I see a lot of new faces here and We all know each other here but serve two different purposes; one is inviting members to share their facebook deets and whatnot and the other asks why people are here specifically as opposed to other forums. I've long considered merging them but can't bring myself to because their reasons for being are too-far-apart. What I will do right now is rename them according-to-purpose, which should help I s'pose.

We all know each other here but is now Learn More About Each Other - FB Deets and Other Stuff.
I see a lot of new faces here is now New Faces? Why are You Here?.

Scratch that. Merged 'em both, retaining the poll and hopefully entitling the result appropriately to cover both:

POLL & Discussion - Your Age, Social-media Presence and So On

I unstickied the software-update sticky and its pointer in the main forum 'cause what the heck, it's run its course / served its purpose. I was only going to give it 'til the end of the week anyway.

So now there're 6 stickies in the main forum, reducing to 5 in December.
Only 1 sticky in Feedback.

As I said earlier, I'll merge the 4 scam-related stickies in Classifieds too, so...

Example scam - FS: Quad Cortex
PSA: Another Scam - Accepting a Code or MS Authenticator
False Ad - Reset Password if this Happens to You... and Make it STRONG
Please Read! Beware - Scam Alert!

... are now merged into:

Please Read! Beware - Scam Alert!

... leaving 5 stickies that all fully-justify their existence IMHO.

Hopefully you're happy with this Brother M.

As I suggested, most of this stuff was on-the-way anyway but there was no "pressure" until you came along, so thanks for that. :LOL:

Joking aside, thank you for the feedback as always and I hope I was of service. :cheers:
You work hard to keep us afloat. Always happy to share a different mobile app perspective :cheers2:
Thank God you're satisfied Brother M 'cause to go any further would've felt like tearing my own limbs off. :LOL:

The fact that you're happy has made my day mate; thank you! :cheers2: