Columbus - problem with LED screen-solved

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Hi guys,
I have a Herbert with a columbus foot controller.
For the last few weeks the LED number display on the columbus has an element that isnt working. Its the upper mid line, which means that a 7 looks like a 1, which is a bit annoying.
Anybody know, is this likely to be a dry solder joint on the back of the display, or something like that. Basically is it worth me opening it up to try to re-solder joints, or is it likely to need a new screen?
When the problem first started it was intermittent, then it went completely.
Anyway, any advice gratefully received :)
Hey Rich,

first try to resolder and let me know:

peterdiezel (at) diezelamplification (dot) com
Okay Peter - thanks for the reply - I will do it and let you know :)
Just to let everyone know - the problem has now been sorted out.

It was a faulty LED screen segment - Peter sent me a replacement one straight away, and its just taken me a few weeks to get the time to replace it. But it is all sorted again, and is another testament to Diezels great customer service - replacement screen driver chip and LED screen sent straight to me immediately.

Thanks again Peter!