Compu-bias is here

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chester Nimitz
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Own, use and love it too. The best tool in that area i've used till today. Definitely happy to have spent the money...
Hardvalve":2q3lyhas said:
Looks great in your poverty crack den apartment.




I own a house Asshole.

How's the sale of the Obsolete Charvel [not] going ?

I'll be sure to tell my friends to avoid dealing with you.

Your nurse just called its time for your Pentobarbital drip ...
Hardvalve":2tgoxeb1 said:
Looks great in your poverty crack den apartment.

Dave Fryguy of rock systems is going to void his warranty for not payin the tech to take the zap.
My tech of 11 years is Production Manager of MAGNATONE and has left my local shop to devote fulltime to that gig.

I grounded out 460VAC 3 phase once in da 80's i don't recommend that.

The reason i bought this meter is that its simple and accurate so i don't have to poke around inside 460 volt amps.

I don't let just anyone work on my amps.
A good jolt of DC Directly across your heart is exactly what is needed to make things right. I am sure the only way anyone would know, is your bloated body would eventually override the smell of piss in the hallway of your section 8 housing.
Hardvalve":531q1xr8 said:
A good jolt of DC Directly across your heart is exactly what is needed to make things right. I am sure the only way anyone would know, is your bloated body would eventually override the smell of piss in the hallway of your section 8 housing.


Your the Bastard Child of GAB so you come trolling here ......pitiful

If we were ever to meet it wouldn't be good for you.

I saw your recent purchases, you have an Affinity for SHITTY guitars lol. :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

Lemme know when your tired of the abuse you seem to like it ... you also seem like an Alcoholic.
Chester Nimitz":1on9u85k said:
Hardvalve":1on9u85k said:
A good jolt of DC Directly across your heart is exactly what is needed to make things right. I am sure the only way anyone would know, is your bloated body would eventually override the smell of piss in the hallway of your section 8 housing.


Your the Bastard Child of GAB so you come trolling here ......pitiful

If we were ever to meet it wouldn't be good for you.

I saw your recent purchases, you have an Affinity for SHITTY guitars lol. :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

Lemme know when your tired of the abuse you seem to like it ... you also seem like an Alcoholic.


No I will not make out with you. Fairly confident you got the hot beef injection filled with Aids. You know. In prison.

Which guitars? Bought a dozen or so in the last 2 months. I find them cheap, and flip them if I don't like them. I work for my money, don't live in section 8 housing, or need to live off of government subsistence to buy guitars for my crack shack. I love the picture of your stack in the hallway of the loser alley. Perfect metaphor of your life.

I enjoy alcohol, but have something you could never find, in any part of your poverty filled failed life, self restraint. Please keep trying to work on your amps, my fingers are crossed.




We can only hope you're on painkillers as well as Methyl-Ethel Alcohol.
Compubias is cool, but I like to see data for all 4 tubes. I went with the Weber bias rite... but I hear the Eurotubes bias tool is the best.
I looked at the Weber i know someone that has one and he only ever uses 2 probes anyway.

I bias in pairs and 2 is enough for me.

I like the wattage readout as well of the Compu-bias.

I still use the Formula the meter backs it up.
psychodave":px5z92n6 said:
Compubias is cool, but I like to see data for all 4 tubes. I went with the Weber bias rite... but I hear the Eurotubes bias tool is the best.
I agree. Only having two bias probes is just dumb. I also have the Weber and it's great.
Theres nothing stopping anybody from plugging into the other 2 tubes of a quad but its not necessary if biasing in pairs in push/pull AB1 amps.

Fractional tenths of one milliamp difference makes no difference.

JCM 2000 DSL-100 set @ 72ma per pair ...

{25wEL-34} divided by {468pv} = .053 X .7 {70% dissapation} = .037 per tube.