Correct mv setting for einstien 100 el34

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dallas Marlow
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Dallas Marlow

Dallas Marlow

Active member
Hey all,

I was just wondering on my multimeter what the correct setting for a quad of el34s should be per tube pair.

Right now im running two mismatched pairs until more tubes come thurs - and i can only get one up to 40mvs and the other to 30 - with one bias trem cranked full on and the other all the way down. They are apparently very mismatched - but for future reference what is the appropriate bias setting on my meter per pair.


60-70 (Ma!!) for the pair, not volts.
Is the reason I cant get it up that high because the pairs are so mis matched or am I doing something wrong here?
Probably you are doing something wrong. The bias pots are super sensible, you know. Read again how to do it and set you DMM to 200mA, DC.
If you have further questions: thats what we are here for.
Thanks Dusentrieb!

Im at work for another 2 hours but Im wondering maybe if I have multi meter set wrong for a Diezel, Ive used the same setting for my Randall and Marshall Dsl50 on their bias probe Im wondering also maybe my screw driver wasnt small enough or something...

Hope I can get it worked out.

The Marshall is measuring at the cathode thru a 1Ohm resistor, thats why (U = R x I) you are reading millivolts.

With a Diezel (Herbert, Einstein) you are reading off the plate (anode) without a resistor, but direct, so you need to read the current. You also should use a "good" multimeter (not a 10 bucks wal mart crap thing) and have a screwdriver which is small (the tip) and long enough to reach the trimmer(s).

Good luck !!!

You can find the instructions on the official site - go "tech corner".

You are the man put the DMM on the right setting and bingo everything is awesome!

Time to start moving around pre amp tubes take a little bite out of it!

Thanks so much my friend!
