Criss Angel - Mindfreak on A&E today

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King Crimson

King Crimson

Active member
Any of you guys ever see this guy levitate?

He was on a golf course with a bunch observers and witout switching shots levitated over a 40 foot tree and landed to do it four more times.

I know he's a master illusionist, but how the hell does he pull this off?
probably some kind of teetertotter thing

the 'observers' were stooges, that is, actors
King Crimson":2717d said:
Any of you guys ever see this guy levitate?

He was on a golf course with a bunch observers and witout switching shots levitated over a 40 foot tree and landed to do it four more times.

I know he's a master illusionist, but how the hell does he pull this off?

He's really Harry Pooter.... :confused:
EightmanVT":9e4d1 said:
King Crimson":9e4d1 said:
Any of you guys ever see this guy levitate?

He was on a golf course with a bunch observers and witout switching shots levitated over a 40 foot tree and landed to do it four more times.

I know he's a master illusionist, but how the hell does he pull this off?

He's really Harry Pooter.... :confused:

I thought so. Thanks for the confirmation...
King Crimson":d04b1 said:
Any of you guys ever see this guy levitate?

He was on a golf course with a bunch observers and witout switching shots levitated over a 40 foot tree and landed to do it four more times.

I know he's a master illusionist, but how the hell does he pull this off?

It's very simple, actually. Chris isn't levitating, he's shifting the position of the Earth and everything on it with the exception of himself. It's just an illusion he's creating by moving the earth 40'.
Its very easy to tell that the people are actors by the way they freak out the entire 2 minutes he is levitating.
I got a friend who lives in Vegas and gets to watch Chris all the time, he told me it's ALL staged and the people he performs for are friends/actors, it's all camera tricks for the most part.

Kinda disappointing. I thought.
Juggernaut":ddde0 said:
I got a friend who lives in Vegas and gets to watch Chris all the time, he told me it's ALL staged and the people he performs for are friends/actors, it's all camera tricks for the most part.

Kinda disappointing. I thought.

Last time my wife and I were in Vegas we were in a shopping mall and this guy came floating down the walkway. I have know clue how he does it but I know he can't fly ;) All my times to Vegas and this was the first to see a TV person just out and about :thumbsup:
Oh yeah, it's all most definitely camera tricks.

A lot of times he'll do real normal illusions and slight of hand stuff, and then they'll record the reactions of the audience. From there they'll do the main illusion either later that day or the next, and intersperse the audience's reactions with the footage.
Chris Angel sucks. All his shit is staged with actors. He fucking blows, and then puts on this show of how dark and twisted he is. Its all camera tricks too.

He is a poseur. His "tricks" suck.
peaveyT60":6f026 said:
Chris Angel sucks. All his shit is staged with actors. He fucking blows, and then puts on this show of how dark and twisted he is. Its all camera tricks too.

He is a poseur. His "tricks" suck.

Well how in the hell did he do what my wife and I seen? There were no cameras around :confused: I was totally impressed.
I know a few things aboot teh magics and I can say that not all of his levitations are camera tricks.. For instance the levitation on the escalator wasn't, neither was the levitation onto a curb or onto a bar seat.

The huge levitations more than likely are though.. and yes I believe he does use a whole lot of stooges regardless of the trick.
Bob Savage":54092 said:
King Crimson":54092 said:
Any of you guys ever see this guy levitate?

He was on a golf course with a bunch observers and witout switching shots levitated over a 40 foot tree and landed to do it four more times.

I know he's a master illusionist, but how the hell does he pull this off?

It's very simple, actually. Chris isn't levitating, he's shifting the position of the Earth and everything on it with the exception of himself. It's just an illusion he's creating by moving the earth 40'.

I tried shifting the earth this morning with my magic stick, but I just ended up moving from the kitchen to the living room with my oats.

I don't believe you, Bob. There must be more to it.

Maybe if I rotate my 52" TV, or put it on its side might yield more believable results.
King Crimson":33fe0 said:
I tried shifting the earth this morning with my magic stick, but I just ended up moving from the kitchen to the living room with my oats.

I don't believe you, Bob. There must be more to it.

Maybe if I rotate my 52" TV, or put it on its side might yield more believable results.

I'm telling you man, he is *not* levitating, he's manipulating the position of the Earth. Levitating is impossible.