Dar Tuzzia and Rorza Quattro


New member
I just got these in a couple of days ago, I had to share these :LOL: :LOL:



And a close look at the FBM, live from (near) NAMM ;)



Have faith in these guys, their amps are incredible! No amps for sloppy players, these amps uncover everything, I never heard a low B sound so good on any amp I tried before... Note definition/separation is awesome even on high gain levels. Trust me, you won't be disappointed...
hey, i see an engl invader in the background. How do you think they compare? I have an invader now and a fbm on order, cant wait for the fbm, i hear its much better :)
Could you compare the FBM100 to the Diezel Hagen? How do they stack up against each other? These are on my prospective new amps list.
Guest":2kld621t said:
Could you compare the FBM100 to the Diezel Hagen? How do they stack up against each other? These are on my prospective new amps list.

As soon as I have the FBM100 here I'll be able to compare the two ;)