Deraps new single. Album coming May 23rd

Sounds very White Lion ish.

With Van Halen 2 drumming.. no question though, he was listening to White Lion in addition to VH1 and VH2 for this one. My only complaint is that he is huge on that germino and the wide open plexi but it sounds splatty in spots and could def bennefit from a boost imo. The lead sounds a bit like the beginning of the solo he did in veins of my heart from his first LP. Still a cool tune though. Good on him for releasing music.
Sounds very White Lion ish.

That's what I heard as well. :2thumbsup: Vitto Bratta with a little EVH splashed in......The tune was pretty poppy for my taste so I hope he gets a little more aggressive sounding on the rest of the album but the playing was fun to listen to and had some good hooks to it.
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Yeah I find White Lion a little poppy also but I love Vito's playing. If the guitar player is good I can enjoy listening to anything.
Listened with ear pods…sounds really big. Like it a lot… a bit poppy yes…sound like the 80’s to me. lol.

I like the way The bass sits in the mix. I hate when i can’t hear the bass in a mix and so easy to be overdone
I used to not pay any attention to this guy at all. But since he is grown up, you can tell all that study of Van Halen came in handy and he applied it into his own style. I thought the track was pretty good.
It sounds like something we would've heard on 5150 without the's quite Sammy era.

The guitar/amp tone is nice and crisp with some aggression and teeth with that plexi splattiness to it when it compresses. You nailed the analysis can tell his playing is inspired by ED but he took those elements and incorporated them into his style.:2thumbsup:

Won't we all be disappointed when we find out he used a Kemper plexi model instead of a real amp to record.............................:LOL:
It's too on the nose with the influences for me but I hugely applaud real drums and the tone overall is pretty nice and agreed on nice to hear good traditions mix of the bass. I was typing this it hit the clean section and I immediately thought..ahh let's throw some Rush in there too..:cool:
...and even the old school fade out while doing a solo!
Yeah I got the White Lion vibe also, overall I like it (y) I like his last album also .

That riff on My Side of Town has VH written all over it .
Also interesting to note is that his vocals are getting a lot better as well. If it were me though, I would drop the Michael Anthony backing vocals in spots. I much prefer the Chorus parts where they sing in their own voices. I think he'd benefit from a departure from the VHII sound snare and backing vocals.