2+ and 3 are similar? Do i have s.th. with my ears?
My channel 2 and 3 settings are nearly the same! And they are totaly different.
Ch2: Gain 10:30, Vol. 13:00, Treble 16:00, Mids 15:00, Bass 13:00
Ch3: Gain 11:00, Bass 12:30
Midcut if engaged: Int 10:30 Level 12:30
Presence 13:00 Deep 13:00
Never had any problems to cut through a band mix! Even against a Marshall! I dont know the problem is of some of you guys?!
Take a look at my idol Richie f.e.. He played Herberts 3 or 4 years. And he wasn´t the only guitar player. There are Jon and Bobby Bandiera. Take a look at some 2005´er Amsterdam Videos at youtube. You can always her the Herberts.
Now he went back to Marshall, but his marshall tone isnt the same as 2000 on the Crush-Tour. It´s much darker. A lot darker then his Herbert Tone was. I would like to know, how much Marshall payed him.
But serious...did some of you never tried to record the amp? F.e. if you use a SM57 as a stand alone mic, it is a horror to record a Marshall because of its high frequencies. But it´s so easy to record a Herbert!
A few weeks ago i saw two gigs of one band. He played a VH-4 and a Diezel cabs. You only heard his guitar, when he played the solos!!! And he was the only guitarplayer. So who cares about the midrange of amps if there is nobody who can mix your sound? And regarding the opinion of some of you guys, the vh4 is the winner in this cut through mix. I dond´t give a sh**!
A few days later, same place, there was another band. The both guitar players played Vox Tonelabs!!! What an amazing sound!!! It was outstanding! It´s only the damn motherf****** mixer!
Sorry, but this frequency discussion is a little piece of Chickenshit!
Everybody can visit me and play my Herbie live. It will fucking blow any amp away in a band. There is no amp with these low mids like him.
But if you dont like the voicing, go for another amp. Marshall and stuff...
the only thing i would like in my Herbert is a little bit more rawness(?) in the distortion section. Something like mesas dual rectifier. Not equal, but something like... But otherwise, there is the recording thing and the SM57. It adds this rawness itself.
Sorry for my bad english.