Diezel Hagen clip

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Thanks! :)

Have still much to learn about the sound of the Hagen. It is such a dynamic and responsive amp. That clip doesn't capture that...
FuckinHellYeahMan!!!!!! :rawk: :rawk: :rawk: :rawk: :rawk: :rawk:

That's probably one of the best Hagen clips I've heard yet to date!!! And the playing is sick - great song man!!!!!!! Love that tone!!!!!!

So fine, LOVED when 0:30 kicked in and we had the collective head banging moment of chugga chugga - the last little melody reminded me of some kinda "era" that I can't put my finger on...

In short. TOPS!!! :thumbsup:
Uncle Mo
Fuckin hell! That was wicked! I agree with Mo!

Fuck you man, now I NEED a Hagen haha!
What was your recording chain on this?? Lovin' the tone, listened to this again today and totally dig it.
Ventura":1ee1hmpk said:
What was your recording chain on this?? Lovin' the tone, listened to this again today and totally dig it.
Compensated out? :D
Thanks a lot for the great feedback guys! :yes:

Ventura":wf0a7ksm said:
What was your recording chain on this?? Lovin' the tone, listened to this again today and totally dig it.

Thanks Mo!

Well I started by just putting a 57 in front of a 4x12 cab, 5 min later had a neighbor in pyjamas knocking at my door, so I had to go another way. :cry:

Signal chain is: Gibson Les Paul traditional with Haeussel pickups - Diezel Hagen - (now here starts something that papa doesn't like but I only do it to record, I promise) A dummy load where I took the poweramp signal from the Hagen into my DAW - In the daw I've used Redwirez impulses. And that's it. Used no other eq than a high pass on the guitars. A light mod delay on the cleans. Just used the channels 3 and 1 of the Hagen. 1 track left and 1 right and you have a huge mix with this amp.

Matt7":wf0a7ksm said:
I dig it. can't wait to hear more clips :)

Thanks! I recorded already something where I used all the channels of the Hagen. I will try to upload it on the weekend. :)
Awesome reply.

So you dummied the load, but pulled the signal with the line-out from the back of the amp, direct into the DAW and tacked on an IR to make it happen. Cool enough. Reason I ask is that the tone of the Hagen here is super super rich. Very VH4'esque in the grind, but still holding that "openness" of the Hagen.

Nicely done. When the neighbor's away, let's hear some SM57 action if you can. And believe me, I totally get the "can't record with mics because it's too loud" thing. It's a drag, but a fact of life.

Ventura":7f5m7ahh said:
Awesome reply.

So you dummied the load, but pulled the signal with the line-out from the back of the amp, direct into the DAW and tacked on an IR to make it happen. Cool enough. Reason I ask is that the tone of the Hagen here is super super rich. Very VH4'esque in the grind, but still holding that "openness" of the Hagen.

Nicely done. When the neighbor's away, let's hear some SM57 action if you can. And believe me, I totally get the "can't record with mics because it's too loud" thing. It's a drag, but a fact of life.


No problem Mo.

Actually not from the line-out of the amp. I got the signal from the poweramp of the Hagen with a box that is a loadbox and at the same time gives one the signal from the amps poweramp. This is the signal of the Hagen that goes to the cab, but instead it went to the dummyload D.I. box. And to this signal I applied the cabinet impulse. So the poweramp character is there. :yes:
This amps channel 3, even without eq's in the loop can actually sound closer to a vh4 than I first thought.

I will try the 57 action. But it will not get better than the sound I get with this setup because I cannot pull up the volume...
