Thats awesome!! i wish i had a pic of my UPS guy trying to carry my cabinet to my porch...bitching the whole way!! i guess thats why they make $30/hr!!!
Admit it, you were waiting by the door from 6am for him to turn up
Gratz on the VH4, awsome piece of kit. One word of warning though, it makes you want to buy another Diezel, I had mine for about 30 minutes before I thought 'Damn that's good, I wonder if a Herbert is as nice?'
you are damn right, i´m just looking for an 4x12" g12k100/v30 my bandmate owend a few days before... these cabs are f*** awesome with diezel amps...(realy realy awesome) but with waiting the whole week on the door for the UPS Guy, my buisiness got a bit unattended...