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I have a TSL 100 head. I see alot said about the DSL's, but not alot of love for the TSL. What is the main difference most people have seen. (Besides the footswitch sucks on the TSL) The store I work at just got a DSL 100 in trade. Gonna check it out tommorow. Would most of you trade the TSL for the DSL?
I own both and FWIW each has it's strengths and weaknesses.

There's a million threads about this discussion already and includes posts from myself, Thump, Kannibul and a few other guys.

That being said, my TSL was a BITCH to dial in whereas the DSL sounded real organic right off the bat. I think this is the reason why the TSL gets slammed a bunch...many guys in the in-store tests or bedroom wank fests simply didn't spend much time with the TSL and have the opinion that it sounds like shit. (which it actually does sound like a fuzzy piece of shit unless you tweak it)

My TSL footswitch did take a dump also but reliability on both has been outstanding (several hundred gigs with no breakdowns). I have road cases from http://www.rockhardcases.com and I baby my gear.

I must say I do like the TSL's clean and the compression on the lead, but you really have to get on it to make it sing. (I do run an attenuator) It's also real fickle about the tubes that are in it. (The stock tubes SUCK) My DSL has sounded great with every brand tube I've put in it. I also really like the TSL if you have a ton of effects in the loop. I've got a separate rack with some stuff in it and it sounds killer. I really don't like v30's or G12T-75's on the TSL whereas the V30's sound AWESOME on the DSL. I run Weber Silver Bells on my TSL.

anyhow, I could talk about it all night but I gotta get to sleep. Hope I've helped.


p.s. play both for yourself and let your ears decide

Overall, I won't choose a "favorite" amp. They both have strengths and weaknesses that give me reason to keep both.
Do you like the tones you're getting with your TSL? If yes, why would you change? Don't let anyone tell you what is good for you dude. It's what you like that really matters, you don't have to follow trends or get an amp because everyone has one.

If you're tired of the tones you are getting with your amp, then it's another story.
The biggest problem I am having with the TSL is I've got the bass dimed and the deep switch on on the 2nd channel and it's just enough thump. Clean channel is another story. Plenty of thump and it sounds great. Dist is a little fizzy as well. I've been using the Laney AOR I got from Pete for the heavier sounds. I guess the grass always seems greener. If not we would'nt have this forum. :yes: I also have a Peavey Penta on the way. Can't wait to check that one out.
ty_tone":27ode1rl said:
The biggest problem I am having with the TSL is I've got the bass dimed and the deep switch on on the 2nd channel and it's just enough thump. Clean channel is another story. Plenty of thump and it sounds great. Dist is a little fizzy as well. I've been using the Laney AOR I got from Pete for the heavier sounds. I guess the grass always seems greener. If not we would'nt have this forum. :yes: I also have a Peavey Penta on the way. Can't wait to check that one out.

Looking at the schematic there just very slight differences. I believe there is one resistor on the TSL that gives it a little less bass on the lead channel then the DSL (R13). I owned a TSL at the same time as my DSL and found that it wasn't as orgainic as the DSL and a little harder to dial in. If I knew how to mod I would have kept the TSL and modded it more to the DSL spec or Mike Fortin's that way you still will have 3 eq's to dial in crunch settings.
I've had both, I still have my DSL years later, I turned the TSL in a matter of days. DSL's tone is more open, fuller, and yes more organic. Always been strange to me they could be so different. TSL was too much work, to not sound as good
It's funny, when I had my DSL - a couple of years ago - everyone was bashing that amp big time and now, it becomes trendy...

Funny how things can change so quickly... It's not a rant, it's just an observation.
The biggest problem I had with the TSL wasn't the tones, but the fact that you had to step on the footswitch BEFORE you really wanted it to swith. Mine had a really bad delay when changing channels.