New member
Just bought a new module, a dual Twin. My problem: No breakup at all: Nada, Nothing, on either chanel. Is there a mod I can have done, or would I be better off selling and going with the Twin/Deluxe Module? Or maybe the Vox? I play single coils and like my clean chanel to be right on the edge of breakup. I am moving from a Mod50 with the Bassman and an EG3/4 to an M4 with a VHT 2/90/2, and have the prementioned Bassman (Which I am going to have converted to the A chanel having equal gain as the B), Twin, 3/4 and an EG5(just bought it from Bruce's latest run)(I am a little disapointed with this one as well) It definitly is rocking more Low End, and, I pulled down the high end quite a bit, but doesn't seem as High Gain as I thought it would be, seems a little like the 3/4 and 5 overlap. The 5 just doesn't seem to compress, which is cool, and I think I will be able to adjust, and find a way to use it, but the Twin is another ball game. Thouhgts, ideas? I sort of expected the Twin to be like SRV Clean floored, and the 2nd Chanel to be like stepping on a Tube Screamer. (I do *not* want to add pedals to my rig for gain, I want the amp to do it).
Didn't mean for this to be a treatise. PLease hit me with any ideas, I would appreciate it...
david aka deep
Didn't mean for this to be a treatise. PLease hit me with any ideas, I would appreciate it...
david aka deep