Dual Twin Module: Too Clean!

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Just bought a new module, a dual Twin. My problem: No breakup at all: Nada, Nothing, on either chanel. Is there a mod I can have done, or would I be better off selling and going with the Twin/Deluxe Module? Or maybe the Vox? I play single coils and like my clean chanel to be right on the edge of breakup. I am moving from a Mod50 with the Bassman and an EG3/4 to an M4 with a VHT 2/90/2, and have the prementioned Bassman (Which I am going to have converted to the A chanel having equal gain as the B), Twin, 3/4 and an EG5(just bought it from Bruce's latest run)(I am a little disapointed with this one as well) It definitly is rocking more Low End, and, I pulled down the high end quite a bit, but doesn't seem as High Gain as I thought it would be, seems a little like the 3/4 and 5 overlap. The 5 just doesn't seem to compress, which is cool, and I think I will be able to adjust, and find a way to use it, but the Twin is another ball game. Thouhgts, ideas? I sort of expected the Twin to be like SRV Clean floored, and the 2nd Chanel to be like stepping on a Tube Screamer. (I do *not* want to add pedals to my rig for gain, I want the amp to do it).

Didn't mean for this to be a treatise. PLease hit me with any ideas, I would appreciate it...

david aka deep
Ooo ya the Twin is real clean...that doesn't sound like what you want. Maybe a D/D would be a better fit? It breaks up nicely. If you like the B'man, you may or may not like the VX; it's got that hollow Vox mid range but you can get the A channel to break up and the B channel can go from a little break up to pretty heavy. I think I liked the B channel on the VX a little more than the A.

If you just got the Twin from Bruce, you might want to see if he'll swap it for a D/D. You won't want the T/D either.

The EG5 was one I've owned twice and really wanted to like it based on the hype but just never bonded with it. If you like rectifier tones try the Erect; I've own 2 that I sold and just got a 3rd one and it sounds great. I was going to get it modded but just keeping it stock for now.

You probably don't want to go this route with the modules you just got but if you pick up some dualies for cheap, have them modded by Rob (Jaded Faith) and he will get you the tone you're looking for.
Thank you for the advice MarcoR!

I have had the twin for a long time, I just bought it, checked out if it worked when I got it, and then put it on the shelf, waiting for the E2 to come out. Thought it was dirtier than it is, so now have to Mod it or try to trade it. The Double Deluxe sounds like a cool idea, I just happen to own one, and was a little concerned the low end would be flubby. I like to do the SRV Test to a clean amp: Snap the Low E string; if it doesn't turn to mush, all is well. I do want to have a Vox Module, but I think you are right either a trade or a Mod is in my future for the Double Twin.

The E5 is really cool, but like I wrote, it seems to cover the same gain space for me as the 3/4, which is not what I thought it did. I have to admit the openness of it and the extra Low End is cool, but maybe I'll try to get a Recto if Bruce won't shoot me. I have to get rid of my Mod50 so, maybe I could sell it with the Modules in it I don't dig, if it comes to that.

Thank you so much for the reply! Hard to tell what you will get, until you actually here it. I have been a long time lurker here, but haven't chimed in too much. But I do know my way around the Bassman and the 3/4. Thanks again!

Anyone else?...
The 3/4 and the B'man lived in my MOD50 for a long time; I'd always come back to those two after trying everything else. I gave up on waiting for the E2 and got an RM4 to go with the MOD50. Then I discovered the modded modules and I needed more bays to fill so I traded my MOD50 for an M4. My beloved EG3/4 has taken a back seat to the Jaded Faith XTC, 59RR Platinum and MarkX. Still love the stock B'man but it shares time with the JF OD Special. A dual version of the OD Special would be something you would dig!
yeah the twin is just like a real twin - it just gets compressed as you crank it - no breakup. If you want mid-gain break-up, try the vox for sure. Channel A is amazing (possibly my favorite module), and channel B is a great alternative to the SL modules (it gets pretty gainy - but with a vox voicing rather than marshall). Perhaps go with the D/D (which many ppl seem to prefer over the D channel of the T/D) and then get a T/V which will give you the cleans of the T when you want totally clean and then the V for the jangly/breakup.

That said, does your BMan not get you the SRV tones you're looking for? To me that module would be the starting point. That's a module I didn't have high hopes for (it came with my used M4) but I immediately really liked it, and in the studio it's gotten tons of use, especially for those 'not clean not dirty' tones.
Can't you just use your BMAN for cleans and mild breakup? That's exactly what I use mine for. Channel A is crystal clean, Channel B is mildly gritty. It's a fantastic module for this application.....
Thanks all!
Just for the record I have either owned or played through tons of Cool Fender Amps, currently own a 67 Deluxe Reverb and a 66 Vibroluxe Reverb. Also have a Fuchs ODS, a Bruno Underground 30, a couple od Bad Cats(one I am Trying to unload), so I have done alot of homework. The Egnater keeps me away from bringing 4 amps, and a pedal board the size of Rhode Island to shows.

MarkoR: Do they make a dual Chanel ODS?, If so, what is it like?

Jasco and Rlord1974: I like Big Blackface Cleans just shy of break up. The SRV is a good analogy for what I want: Basicly a Rhythm tone similar to a stiff Vibroluxe on 10, so if I play soft, it is super sweet and then a solo tone blowing the lid off it. Oh yea, this band doesn't play through speakers at all! I am having my Bassman Module Moded so it is a channel B on both A and B, so this is my semi distorted Rhythm tone, and then Soloing at about the same Gain Level. I Use the 3/4 for more High gainy soloing, 3 for the strat neck, just shy of when it starts to sound like the Woman Tone(which I hate), and the 4 for when i go to my Bridge(which is a lil' 59). May seem complicated but, that is how my tiny little brain works. I want the 4th Module to be SUPER High Gain: FooFighters, QOTSA, etc.

Thanks again all for your ideas and input: All my issues are being addressed. I can let you guys know how it turns out, if anyone thinks it would be usefull? Now that I will be a multiple Modual kind of guy, maybe I can start to chime in more. I'm not a cat or anything, but I can play. Hope to have some postable stuff soon...
Lng Story short: Terri Moded my T/T to a D/D. Much happier, clean kind of breaks up, and is way more what I want for my Clean Funk, or Clean Solo's. I am 3/4 of the way home (Bassman and 3/4 will NEVER leave) so a question:

I am an idiot, and let someone talk me into a Recto, and it is just not me. Thinking I want a COD, just for clean and ODS Solos. Anyone interested? I also returned an EG5, as it wasn't what i thought either. The EG5 would have been a better choice for me,and I really liked it, it just seemed to occupy the same Gain Area as the 3/4(I should have kept it, if I had not let my head get in the way. Either would be interested in trading out, Also want to unload my MOD 50 with a Rack Mount combo case. Apologies if this is not the right place. The Recto is the new run with maybe an hour on it? Again, I have been involved with the line for 5 years,+-. Can anyone recomend the best modder for the COD, if the ODS is my quest? The E\G5 i could make work, but think an ODS is what i really want in the fourth slot? Toughts, besides the fact that i seem to be a an indecisive Moron?

deep aka David Cameron Seattle
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