Dudes, i am dying

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I drank, which i never do, partied like a mofo, even danced, that is how drunk i was.....

I slept 2 hours ,i am on my 2nd cup of coffee, i am in the caribbean today and coffee here is really strong, not like the thang i drink in NYC.

Head's still spinning and the buzz is loud.
My head is humming, maybe i broke a cable inside or my nose is acting like a weird pickup. i don't know, i am dying here........

What the fuck happened last night, it was supposed to be a social drink, and i even danced!!!!!!!!!!

I don't dance!!!!
it is somewhat my friends fault, she came in with some of her friends, well....

if you rally DID go out and party it up with her i hop eyou A2Md her :D
i know i danced soemwhere on a table, i wil let you know more details as soon as they let me know the details!!!!!!!! :\m/: :\m/: :partyman: :? :mrgreen:
Sounds like my night... minus te carribean, the coffee and the fun.

TWPietz37":febed said:
Sounds like my night... minus te carribean, the coffee and the fun.


ahahhahaha, best reply ever.

I am doing better, minus the headache, the pain in the neck and the general disorientation
Don't get hammered in a nice place like that...you can do that at home...enjoy the vacation without hangovers. ;)
But how can you expect to get the most out of going somewhere you may never go again when you don't know what it looks like drunk? :?