Effects Loop Buzzing On A Rebel 20

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Hey! I've scanned this forum before a couple times but never had reason to register... until today! I'd first like to say that these Egnater products are awesome and I'm proud to own one! The Rebel 20 is my first tube amp and I have enjoyed using it these last few months.

The main reason for my post, tho, is that the Rebel's started to give me a buzz and it's not goin away. I plugged my pedal board (chorus, wah, volume, delay) into the effects loop as usual yesterday but had a rather loud buzz going on. I thought it was a bad cable, so I tried moving cables around, switching some out... but nothing fixed it. So I ran my pedal board in front of the amp and the buzz went away. I then grabbed a short cable and put that cable in the send and return of the loop and the buzz returned (tho at a lesser volume).

As I said, this is my first tube amp, so I don't know too much about what's going on. I understand that I've got power tubes and preamp tubes and that the effects loop is in between (?). So is it possible that one of the preamp tubes is out? Or would it be a power tube? Or is it not a tube issue at all?

Thanks to this issue, I've found that putting my effects in FRONT of the amp sounds even BETTER than through the effects loop (at least for cleans)! But it would be nice to have the option to use my effects loop again, so any help is MUCH appreciated!

Bad tube is always your first thing to try. Put a new tube in the effects loop tube slot and see what that does. Or sometimes the tubes are just loose. Make sure they are tightly seated.
Thankyou very much for the quick reply! I'll definitely try tightening the tube and if it continues to hum I'll have to order some online. I've read that the stock tubes aren't supposed to be of great quality (feel free to confirm/deny this!) so I may just get a whole new set of tubes from valvequeen.com.

Is there anything I should know before attempting to tighten the effects loop tube? Obviously unplug the amp and everything, but does that ensure my safety or should I try draining any charge the tube may still have before going in there?
Unplug it and let it set for about half an hour to drain the power out fully. That will do it. Never hurts to have spare tubes any way.
I don't think the Rebel 20 has a tube driven effects loop. But its worth checking all the tubes.
If you are within your warranty period, contact nate@egnateramps.com and he can assist you in taking care of any problem you might have. You do not need to let the amp sit for any amount of time when pulling a tube out, however they could be warm, so use a rag or something. The only risk is burning your hand on a hot tube, but there is no real electronic danger. Please don't go buy a new set of tubes without talking to Nate, just in case that isn't your problem. I wouldn't want you to buy an expensive set of tubes from someone before being positive that you have a bad tube.