Effects Loop Level of Tourmaster

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I just bought a Tourmaster 4100 head. I have a TC Electronic Nova System that I want to use in the loop (I had previously been using it in front of a single channel amp). The Nova System has a drive input if it's in front of an amp and a line input if it's in a loop. So I changed the input to the loop and plugged it in. With this particular unit, you can set the input level on it, and it really sounds best if you get it to unity gain. It has a little meter and will indicate when the level is set right. Even with the send level on the 4100 cranked and the level on the Nova all the way up, I'm still not at unity gain. I feel like I'm getting a little bit of tone suck because of this. Am I doing something wrong or are the send and input levels of these two pieces of equipment not quite matched?

It's a little hard to verify the tone suck since I don't have a foot switch for the amp, so it's hard to a/b the loop
Update: I was able to verify there's an effect on the tone last night when I had a band mate switch the loop for me from the back of the amp. It definitely loses a little oomph with the loop engaged. It's not terrible, but it's definitely there. There was no noticeable volume change though.
Hi yossarian,

Have you tried using the drive input of the Nova, starting with both the send level from the amp and the input level of the Nova all of the way down, then increase each from there if necessary?
if you're using the line level, use it the tourmaster loop in series

if you're using the drive input, use the tourmaster loop in parallel setting.

personally, i'd put the nova in the loop with the gain set to unity like you said, try both inputs/outputs, and switch between series/parallel and mess with the send/return levels on the tourmaster til you get what sounds right to your ears.


also, read the Tourmaster manual too, it can help, if you havent!

maybe you could set the nova system for infinite delay repeats while you're adjusting the amp.

i find that when im tweaking, it helps to have something like that, or a pedal looper going, so i dont have to worry about playing while im trying to get in the ballpark (specifically when trying different preamp tubes, but it would work the same for effects)
That's a good idea with the repeats, yeti. I'll try that for sure.

In general, after playing with the Nova in the loop for a few days (series because I use some tremolo effects that don't work in parallel), I still like the tone. There's a little loss with the NS in the loop if I A/B it, but it's not enough that I notice it once my ear gets used to the sound. Also, the tone loss actually serves to tighten up the gain channels a little bit. It's only on the clean 1 that I really notice a negative effect. I'll keep poking at it, but if it doesn't get better than it is now, it's still good enough.
why not four cable it?

can you place your effects in that unit, wherever you want them?

gate the front AND the loop, then put your time based shit in the loop, when you want it off just turn the efx loop off switch footswitch off.

run the other efx up front of the amp into the input (eq, gain, etc)

you could also try some eq after your efx in the loop to restore some gain back in.

i would try to make it work in parallel though, and try to get the tremolo into the front of the amp before the gain stages.
It sounds like you may be trying to use the parallel mode. Please read the detailed explanation in the user's manual. If you don't have the manual, it is available at egnateramps.com.
Yeti, the Nova won't run 4 cable. You can put it in front or in the loop, but not both. Presumably, TC Electronic was wary about cannibalizing G System sales so it's a feature they left off.

Bruce, I had already checked out the manual. I'm definitely using the series loop, because I have some effects that require it (pitch and tremolo).