Effects of changing preamp tubes

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my Herbert has 2 E83CC-JJ and 4 12AX7-C.
I was wondering, if you could run the amp with other combinations, for example 6 12AX7-C s.
Can this hurt the amp? And if its possible, what are the effects (highs, lows, mids, bite, warmth, etc) ?

Just interested :)
Changing preamp tubes is a great way to subtly change your tone. I've done a ton of preamp swaps in both my Einstein and Mesa Rect-o-verb, and find that different pre-amp tubes do make a difference.

I don't know enough about the 12AX7-C's, but my experience with JJ ECC83's is that they have more top-end (a bit brittle to my ear). Personally, I like a warmer sound, so I personally stay away from JJ's. So, depending on how the 12AX7-C's sound, they may take away some of the high-end that you're hearing in the amp.

Finally, remember that V1 will (for the most part) shape your sound the most, while the other positions will add (or subtract) to that to a lesser extent.
You may also wish to try other makes of pre amp tubes, such as Telefunken, Mullard NOS, RFT, et. al.
I have used NOS Mullards with great success in voicing my Diezel amps.
I have also tried and like Telefunken, and RFT as they are a bit more similar to Mullard tubes then some of the newer varieties of pre amp tubes.

Diezels react very well to different tube company's tubes to show off that company's tone in the amp.
You just need to change tubes in the gain stages of the amp. FX loops, verbs and other things, just put the cheapest in there. V1 is always the one to watch. In my VH4 I like the Tung Sol 12AX7 in it as it is QUIET. I run $8.95 Chinese Gen 9's the rest of the way. But, go to the Diezel site, find out which preamp tubes correspond to the channels you would like to affect and start swapping. Usually, V1, V2 and V3 will control most gain stacks in 3 channel amps. The last is a phase inverter. Get a balanced preamp tube of your choice for this one.


thanks for the answers.

I am interested in giving channel 2 a bit more of the VH4-character (more treble and presence than now)
to get this typical byting Metallica-Sound :rock: :rock: :rock:

Tipps from your side?
Come on guys,

there must be some other Herbert-users you also like the byting Metallica Sound of the VH4 ;)
DvE":1lyr9lhy said:
(more treble and presence than now)

Tipps from your side?

mmmmhhh....turn up treble and presence? :D

sorry, cannot help on this one, besides that i recently tried JJ ECC803S and did not like them in any position. i also have some of the "normal" JJ-ECC83 at home and will try them hopefully this week (have some sound-problems at the moment and couldnt locate yet if its the guitar, the amp or the cab)...
I'm using a Siemes labeled Valvo E83CC (the low noise long life version of the ECC83) in V1 position and a Telefunken ECC83 on V2.
They just add something to the already great sound. Love those tubes!
For those, who are interested:

I also asked the master himself and Peter said that he could only recommend
12AX7A-C Highgrade version for this kind of purpose.

I have ordered 2 TT 12AX7 V1 for V1 and V2 :)
Now I got the tubes and had the time to replace the old ones.
What should I say? If you want to know anything about tubes - aks Peter Diezel, hes the man :rock:

For all of you who want to have a Herbert with a bit of the VH4-Metallica-Sound, check these tubes out.
Now my Herbert has some more treble, presence and bites, but you also have the uge bass - perfect for my taste.
Thank you Peter for your help :)