Eventide FX are excellent - that should go without saying. Ive had a Timefactor for some time now, and recently got
a Pitchfactor; both have this pristine quality...
If you've never dealt with guitar FX, one could really lose themselves with them. They are my favorite part of people's rigs.
Here is a short list of FX that would go great with a Diezel. I'm not even gonna bother with gain-based pedals, but Fuzz and Boost are two dirty fx that would bode well with a Diezel- i'll try to keep their pricepoints relatively affordable:
Eventide Timefactor/Empress Superdelay (
http://www.eventide.com/AudioDivision/P ... actor.aspx)(
- these are the two 'alpha-omega' delay pedals. they do it all, and they sound great. The Eventide has a lot of features that the Superdelay is lacking (at least 10 presets compared to the 8 on the empress, LED readout allowing for perfect settings, many more), but the Superdelay has a tone that a lot of people prefer. I would compare it to watching a BluRay disc vs. watching something on 8mm film, but not that extreme. The Eventide is a very pristine sound (even on the models with intended sampling artifacts/tape delay) whereas the Empress has a musicality to the warmth.
if dropping 300+ on a Delay Pedal is hefty, check out
The MXR Carbon Copy (analog delay, ~550ms,
EHX Memory Man voiced),
The Ibanez DE7 (Digital Delay w/Tape mode - For $89.99 it is almost a no-brainer. This was my first delay pedal after i grew out of
my Korg AX1000G)
Line 6 DL4 - This has become the performing standard for current delay pedals.
I also hear good things about
the Digitech Timebender (or something)... its Digitechs attempt at the market that the Eventide/Empress pedals have occupied.
Flange - Ibanez Paul Gilbert Airplane Flange - Does everything from subtle rotary-speaker flanging to CRAZY. Sells for $150ish IIRC.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkUfPUKilWI - sick vid of Paul demoing the first edition along w/the prototype (which sounds miles better)
Phase - MXR Script Phase 90 - Standard Phaser, but sounds great!
Chorus - The Airplane Flange does this as well. Honestly its not my bag - i'd rather get a flanger and use that. The Eventide has a great chorus setting on all three of the _Factor pedals.
This is where people go CRAZY on HCFX. There are so many fuzz pedals its out of hand. Here are my favorites (i'm keeping all of these in the $150.00 range
Big Muffs (includes Swollen Pickle, Skreddy fuzzes) - Great lead tone (think David Gilmour) and explosive when used for a rhythm approach (Smashing Pumpkins, naturally) Right now I'm running a Swollen Pickle, which is absolutely HUGE compared to your run-o-the-mill BM.
Tonebender - My favorite fuzztone; i used to have
a Fulltone Soulbender, and how i do miss it. Fulltone's discontinued their Germanium-based fuzzes... so I kind of lost to my naiveity. MJM makes a spot-on copy called the Britbender... I'd like to make one mine in the near future... idk i may just build my next one
Wacky glitchy fuzzes are a niche-y crowd. There is a good number of them now, but the flagship wacky fuzz is
the ZVex Fuzz Factory. I've owned the ZVex Vexter series Fuzz Factory TWICE, only to sell it, with no loss. They're fun at home and in the studio, but not the best pedal to bring out live.
so theres the abridged version of 'Stuff Marc Likes'. Obviously the list goes on ad infinitum, but those are some FX that would go great Into a diezel. Remember, although you always get what you pay for, I've run into some SWEET fx for dirt cheap. My vintage MXR Flanger i got @ Guitar Center for $20.00. Toys R' Us was selling an Analog Delay pedal for $40.00! I still think about going in and buying one. Wal-Mart sold low-end Fender product, and the Starcaster pedals they put out for $20-$40.00 were excellent for the price. They had them for maybe 2-3 months, and they are very scarce now... they could fetch quadruple their price in a few years.