Egnater Amps


New member
Bought a renegade 2x12 a few years ago. Had a Preamp tube (12ax7) fail soon after purchase. Replaced, things were ok for a while. Then, after only use the amp at home, had to replace the input xformer. Ok for a while, now had a screaming output. reseated the preamp tubes, and things seem ok. However, the Chinese build quality (and schematic) are piss poor). Had screws strip whilst removing. Amp sounds ok (nothing special) but quality and reliability is crap. Don't buy Egnater.
Welcome to Rig-Talk @toml , however this is not really the right place for this. This is more for Buyer/Seller Feedback between users on this forum. Your post might be better suited in either the R-T main forum or in the Egnater subforum under Manufacturers.

Honestly, I don't really care myself, just trying to help. Personally I really liked the Renegade the few different times I got to play one. Lots of features. But ultimately they were plagued with lots of QC issues like you are bringing up. Too bad, because generally I have a lot of respect for Bruce Egnater, his son, and his company. If I were to buy a used one today it would most surely be a TOL variant as I love that versatility. I thought the Tweaker was kind of fun too when it first came out. A friend brought his over a few times and got to jam on it.
@toml Just for the record, the Egnater Custom amps, made in the USA, like the modular series stuff, IE4 preamp, Tone of Life TOL 100 MICA is amazing. Top notch.

The made in China/imported stuff like the Tourmaster, Rebel, Renegade, Tweaker, are very hit and miss. Lots of QC issues. Those are buyer beware/stay away, and I’ll bet you Bruce probably questioned if the mass production venture was worth what it did to his brand reputation.

Bottom line: USA good, China BAD.