When looking at reviews of bogner cabs, i stumbled across this persons review which helped me, and might help you...
Well after having my new Bogner 4x12 I reviewed here for a while, I decided to get another cabinet for recording purposes. Since my studio is in my basement and the air conditioning does not work down there, I bought a second Bogner 4x12. The problem is, since it is so hot in the basement in summer, we run a bunch of fans. The mics pick up the fan noise and make a wooshing noise. So I got a second Bogner 4x12 to put in another room to record with. So I play and use the original cabinet so I can hear myself and use the second cabinet to record with. HERE IS THE PROBLEM...I purchased a slant cabinet the first time, figuring it was the thing to do. Then when I went to get a second cabinet, they only had straight cabinets in stock. Since I liked the look of the slant better, I was disappointed, but figured who cares, it is a recording cabinet. The sales person told me that a straight cabinet sounds fuller and would record better anyway, since it would not have the phase cancelization problems slant cabinets create. So I bought the straight cabinet. Well I got home and hooked it up, to my disappointment, IT SOUNDS A LOT BETTER, than my slant cabinet does. The bummer is, I ordered my slant cabinetin a custom color, so I got it now for better or worse. The straight cabinet is much fuller and does not have the upper midrange dominance the slant seems to possess.
Think i might get a straight cab if i ever replace my mesa 4x12. question is, Bogner or Egnater?!