jimosity":351v7frt said:
My other rig is an M4 into a VHT 2/90/2 with KT88's.
I assume I can put KT88's in it as well if I set the bias right? 42mA?
Would the EL34s be darker than the KT88s?
I've never had good luck with KT88s in the modular amps, but I LOVE the VHT power amp (just sold mine) with the M4 - that's some qulity stuff! The KT88s don't act the same in the power section of the amps as they do in the VHT. I found the VHT had tons of head room, in the Randall RM100 it was just - weird. That said, I have never tried them in my Egnater MOD50 - maybe the power section runs differently? I've found the JJ EL34s to be one of the "darkest" power tubes I have used. I would say the KT88s aren't as bright as 6L6, but wouldn't qualify them as dark. I generally refer to KT88s as pretty "nuetral" power. If you try the KT88s in the MOD50, let me know how they work. I might go ahead and try it myself.
I can't recall the bias of the KT88s off the top of my head and the MOD50 manual doesn't account for them. I know they are high and 42-45 seems to ring a bell -