Egnater Team.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joeytpg
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everyone involved in the company, but especially Bruce since he's the designer and the big kajuna.

I'm extremely happy with my Egnater products (Renegade, TM 2x12). I can honestly say you're my fav. builder out there right now Bruce, I love other guys, especially Papa Diezel (Peter D.) and his products, he's a wonderful man with AWESOME products (I own a VH4), but for my style of music (pop/bluesy stuff ala John MAyer, Bruno Mars etc) your products just FIT.

I love your clean channel, your designs, the way everything is well thought out. VERY innovative which I totally dig. I'm now even happier that you guys are getting into the pedal world since I use pedals too in my rig, can't wait to see what else you have under your sleeve.

I'm gigging a new album soon and all I'll use is Egnater gear, I gotta get everyone in Dominican Republic know of Egnater products

One question Bruce:

Are there any plans to make a Class A, clean monster say, ala Two Rock, Fender Twins/Deluxe, Carol Ann, etc? this would be my end all be all amp from Egnater.

cheers :rock:
You should check out the modular series stuff for those kind of tones. The T/T, D/D, and COD would seem like they're right up your ally. Currently just a used market for them, but hopefully they'll be making a comeback soon *fingers crossed*!
My guess would be there are absolutely no plans to make a 'clean monster' as it wouldn't make any sense from a business perspective. The market for an amp that only does 'cleans' is very small and wouldn't justify the R&D and production costs to make it happen, especially when you consider there are products that already do this out there.

Furthermore, Egnater cleans are already pretty friggin top notch (Rebel 30 being my favorite). I'm not seeing a whole lot of room for improvement. If you're looking for something that your Renegade doesn't currently do, perhaps an EQ in the mix would get you there. Either that, or go modular for more versitility, which was already suggested.
well I guess everything's been made already so IMO, respectfully that statement isn't valid. As much as there are "clean monsters" out there, they aren't made by Bruce, they don't have his magic.

In fact I guess a class A amp would be the next obvious choice for Egnater since they have all the other basis covered.