Active member
everyone involved in the company, but especially Bruce since he's the designer and the big kajuna.
I'm extremely happy with my Egnater products (Renegade, TM 2x12). I can honestly say you're my fav. builder out there right now Bruce, I love other guys, especially Papa Diezel (Peter D.) and his products, he's a wonderful man with AWESOME products (I own a VH4), but for my style of music (pop/bluesy stuff ala John MAyer, Bruno Mars etc) your products just FIT.
I love your clean channel, your designs, the way everything is well thought out. VERY innovative which I totally dig. I'm now even happier that you guys are getting into the pedal world since I use pedals too in my rig, can't wait to see what else you have under your sleeve.
I'm gigging a new album soon and all I'll use is Egnater gear, I gotta get everyone in Dominican Republic know of Egnater products
One question Bruce:
Are there any plans to make a Class A, clean monster say, ala Two Rock, Fender Twins/Deluxe, Carol Ann, etc? this would be my end all be all amp from Egnater.
I'm extremely happy with my Egnater products (Renegade, TM 2x12). I can honestly say you're my fav. builder out there right now Bruce, I love other guys, especially Papa Diezel (Peter D.) and his products, he's a wonderful man with AWESOME products (I own a VH4), but for my style of music (pop/bluesy stuff ala John MAyer, Bruno Mars etc) your products just FIT.
I love your clean channel, your designs, the way everything is well thought out. VERY innovative which I totally dig. I'm now even happier that you guys are getting into the pedal world since I use pedals too in my rig, can't wait to see what else you have under your sleeve.
I'm gigging a new album soon and all I'll use is Egnater gear, I gotta get everyone in Dominican Republic know of Egnater products
One question Bruce:
Are there any plans to make a Class A, clean monster say, ala Two Rock, Fender Twins/Deluxe, Carol Ann, etc? this would be my end all be all amp from Egnater.