einstein 100 squeal channel 2

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My channel 2 squeals when the gain gets to 12 or greater. It makes like an oscillating sound if I move the gain back and forth. I changed v2 with a JJ ax7 and the squeal it is still there. While changing the preamp tube I noticed that v1 and v2 had marshall ec83 tubes,v3 and v4 had ruby 12ax7, and v5 andv6 had tubes with no name. They were completely clear. Is this the normal preamp tube setup? I got this 1yr ago from the dealer. Thanks Mike
Try either changing v1, or swapping tubes from other positions into v1 until the squeal goes away. v1 is the most susceptible to noise due to the fact that it is the first stage of the preamp.
This is an issue where the supplier sent some faulty parts to the manufacturer..email Peter.
V3-V6 seem right. The stock tubes either say Ruby, or nothing at all. But if V1 & V2 say Marshall on them, they're not stock. I'd replace them with either Shuguang 9th Gen's , Mullards, RFT,s, Tung Sol, etc...
You're sure its not your pickups or the distance to the cab?

Noon channel 2 is a lot of gain . . .
Please email to:

peterdiezel (at) diezelamplification.com
Yes I did replace v1v2 withh jj 12ax7 just to see if this would rectify the problem. I run main main master at about 9 oclock. Its not my guitar since I've ran it through other hi gain amps. Mike