Well, the tone I'm referring to with my Diezel is just a nice smooth mid-gain crunch. Think Ch2. of your Herbert or VH4...I know that's not purely vintage AT ALL...but the best example off the top of my head would be Keith Urban's Stupid Boy (rhythm guitar in big chorus). I suppose I'd call the tone like a more refined vintage/sweet tone? I dunno really...
Anyway, I could be wrong, but I think w/ any 30/25Watt speaker (G12H30 or Greenback), you're bound to get some natural breakup that attributes to the overall texture of the sound. Most of time I don't count this as "flub," although I guess that can be subjective, unless you decide to crank a 23W Deluxe Reverb...mine seems to fart out anywhere in the bass after the volume goes past 3.
The fact is that lower wattage speakers are usually driven hard, and these speakers can have "pleasant nonlinearities" that might be referred to as "breakup." Whatever you want to call it, I like it! As long as the 100W amp isn't getting anywhere close to actually damaging the speaker and as long as it sounds good...That's why I asked about the wattage and volume levels earlier. I mean obviously I wouldn't crank a 100W head w/ a single 30W speaker, but I'd like to think I could get the same great tones at a moderate to low level with that setup. I dunno though! Is this what you guys understood when you first answered my question?
Anyway, I'll probably fair the best just trying out the cabinet locally sometime, but until then, I'll remain perplexed!