EMB audio remote wah system in tha house yo

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The newest addition to the rig arrived safe and sound about an hour ago and lemme tell ya, I just might be as crazy as some folks accuse me of being because this little monster SOUNDS crazy :)

This one is different than the first one I have but I'm not sure of the revision or anything like that just yet since I haven't opened it up. It seems to be a later one for sure though because it's like the ones I last saw Kirk and Slash using in their racks (and my first one is REV 1). It also looks a bit more fancy with a few more features too.

While my first one has one controller input, this new one has six :eek And not only that, but the front panel tells you which pedals are active and if there are faults with any of the pedal connections. Also on the back are toggle switches for controllers 2-6 and I'm not totally sure what they do. I plugged into 2 and with one setting it sounded bassy with little high end and the other setting sounds normal (read: killer). If there is no controller plugged into #s 2-6 the switches turn off the fault lights so I guess it's just light taking each controller out of the circuit.

So how does it sound? Totally nails the 90s Kirk/Slash wah tone. Checkout these vids of Slash and with the obvious rig differences, it sounds pretty much the same:

civil war w/voodoo chile intro wah at 2:35, 3:53, 5:23, 7:21

civil war (again)

pix coming up

I don't know of anyone else who is so obsessed with wah tones as much as you. :D I'll be looking forward to the pics! :)
Haha, I know, I know. I think for me, wah is the only real effect that sounds/feels natural ya know? It's not like you click a pedal and it automatically does something.

I rarely use wah, but I can see where you're coming from. :) Everyone has his/her own style when it comes to using a wah pedal.










I think I have as much appreciation for wah tone as you do, just not the funds to prove it...I've wanted a rack wah for a long time...either the dunlop ones or the EMB which you mentioned...
I would suggest checking out the Dunlop 1SR or 2SR since they're pretty sweet :) You can get pretty close to the EMB style without having to go on a neverending search for one :D

cool...I know I inquired about the 2SR when it was first talked about...

do those pedals handle the higher gain stuff well? I have the weeping demon now and it handles my Crunch channel on my JSX pretty good at a gain setting of about 7, but the ultra channel at about 5 doesnt seem to have as much vocal effect as I'd like.
The dunlop rack wahs? They are excellent for higher gain stuff :) I haven't personally tried the 2SR but I did own the 1SR and it was fantastic. Very similar to a dunlop 535Q without the boost/Q but I later modded mine so it was pretty much the same. Then you kick in the EQ and it gets WAY thicker with better control over the tonal shape.

The 2SR is said to be even more "modern" sounding than the 1SR :)

Yep, they just made it known that they can/will mod them to be switchless BUT it's either with or without a short delay; you can't adjust it.

how much of a delay, cause my weeping demon I can set a delay on and I like it, but as long as its not a huge delay i can usually time it to go off quick enough....

I wonder if someone else could mod it to be controllable...
I'm not sure on that one so you'd have to give dunlop customer service a call :)
