modern metal guitarists should just get it over with already; they're already there with drop-C or more tunings, except the last step:
- switch to 6-string (or more) bass guitars
To be fair, some at us are coming at this one pickup thing cause we loved juniors![]()
I recently got the 3-pickup Epi LP SG with vibrola...I'm going for more pickups not less.
I'm just saying, with these low tunings why bother with guitars at all, irrespective of the number of pickups.
Get a six string bass, drop tune as low as you want, then just plug it in to your favorite high gain guitar amp. Surprised if this hasn't been done already by some new metal band
I tune to standard or every once in a while drop d so i have no idea man
Downtuning is constantly used as a crutch to make weak ass riffs seem heavier - see CuckNorris, et al
If it isn't heavy in normal people tunings, it ain't heavy
I have guitars in D#, C#, and B/drop A. Amp videos are with an HSS 24 fret Floyd charvel with only the bridge installed and wired. It’s my mut guitar but it’s what I tune amps with.
I'm the opposite. I use the neck pickup sometimes. I never touch the tone knob. I used to just delete it or put a dummy knob there. I have owned so many instruments over there years that have knobs that don't do anything.I dig the single pickup, but not the lack of tone knobs.