Doctor Love
I don't hear a lot of talk about how good the Green channel is or isn't on the EVH 5150III EL34 50watt amp. Maybe it's because the name of the amp is long and clunky, kind of like an Ibanez guitar model number and no one wants to say it or type it over and over again? Or is it because most of us don't really know what it is that we want out of a "clean" channel, myself included? So let's take the green channel of thissy here EVH amp and see if it's beauty or beast, throw some pedals at it, and see what kind of gain it's capable of. Oh, and it's also a few weeks before my buddies Park Kingery and Truck Driver Shawn's new company, TDSFX are taking their brand new Sekhmet OD pedal to NAMM for the first time! So I used that as one of my pedals and tossed in a tongue in (butt) cheek in-content "ad".
Have a great weekend and Celebrate Mediocrity!
Have a great weekend and Celebrate Mediocrity!