Favorite Dimarzio 7 string pickup?

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Thinking of changing the pickups in my Prestige Ibanez. It still has the stock Dimarzio PAF 7 pickups. They sound pretty decent, but they get a little undefined on the low E and B strings. So I'm looking for something that will hold the tightness on the low B. I'm open to output level, so I'm not stuck on on PAF types. This is the first set if Dimarzios that I have owned so I wouldn't mind playing around with some more. I've had quite a few sets of Duncans, but not sure where the strong points are with Dimarzio. Was looking at some of Petrucci's signature sets, but heard mixed thoughts. Anyone here rocking 7 string Dimarzios that might be able to share some of their thoughts? Appreciate it!
I’d like to suggest the Titan. I really dig how tight and clear they are in my swamp ash/maple kiesel. Note definition on chords under high gain is there and they don’t sound shrill or too dark or anything.


Another cool option is to custom order a set through your dealer ( bobbin color, pole pieces, etc).

I custom ordered a set with cream bobbins and black bolts through my local store and I literally had them in my hands in 10 days.

The last bkp I ordered from the UK took almost 6 weeks.
i took the paf 7 out of my prestige and put a tone zone 7 in the bridge. it was a definite improvement. higher output, chunkier low end, etc.
always wanted to check out the 7 string version of the breed, but never did. thats a sweet pick up in a 6 string that stays in that beefed up paf flavor.
I really like the Blaze Custom 7 in the bridge paired with the Air Norton in the neck. I play in drop A mostly and the Blaze Custom stays super tight and defined. Good string separation.
I was going to say the PAF7 so I’ll see myself out...
Evolution 7 and Super Distortion 7 bridge and D-Activator 7 neck are great combos. I’d recommend the SD7 if the guitar is brighter sounding and Evo7 for all others.
My favorites has been the Blaze Custom 7 in the bridge and a Blaze in the neck.
great thread guys! I got my ibanez 752-ahm used and it came with a Crunchlab in bridge and a blaze in the neck. i like them. well enough to not swap anything yet. blaze in the neck is nice. great sustain, and when dialing the tone knob you can get an almost Sykes like lead sound in the neck.

The Crunchlab is cool. I’m used to Duncan Blackened Winters in my 6 strings, which are a bit more bright and focused, but i’m fine with the different tone. I like the crunchlab actually more than the Duncan Nazgul i had in my old KM7.

now reading some replies here I might have to check the blaze custom 7
I have a Crunch Lab / Liquifier set in a 7 string I have. It is a nice combo.
sutepaj":ctoizevj said:
Were the original 7620/7621's Dimarzio Blaze pickups?

They were Dimarzio “New 7” pickups. I’ve read the bridge New 7 was similar to the Blaze Custom. The neck New 7 was kind of it’s own thing.
I really like the blaze custom and blaze neck. I've tried many others (and still have guitars with other pups), but those are my faves.