Just my 2 cents, but I’ve had at a one point almost the entire line-up of Wagner pickups. They’re good for current made pickups and for the price, better than most of the popular pickups on here imo, but I didn’t find any of them to be much at all like the real PAF’s I’ve had (6 at one point, 3 now) or many others I tried. I can see their appeal, but a paf they are not IME. Some may prefer them being tighter, faster and firmer than real PAF’s typically are, but even for that I’ve had much better pickups in the same price range in the vintage category (hidden gems). If more guys knew about the various vintage Hagstrom, Japanese, Gretsch, Guild humbuckers and other hidden gem vintage pickups many of these current makers may have gone out of business lol
If you also want a truly authentic vintage paf flavor there’s a certain rawness and warm fuzzy texture surrounding the notes in all these vintage pickups I’ve had (even the duds) that I find really inspiring that Wagner’s, MPC’s, BKP’s and most recent pickups really don’t have an iota of at all, which for me makes them in comparison kind of flat, lifeless and boring to play, lacking character. The closest I’ve tried to capturing these qualities were the Tone Specifc’s and Virgil Arlo’s, but it’s still not fully the same as the real deal. It’s like a great reissue like we got with the newest Mesa’s. I have a bunch of guitars loaded with them still. I can see some may require potted noiseless pickups, but even there I gotta wonder if it’s still better to just get vintage pickups lightly potted, idk. I just don’t enjoy this more bland flavor personally. I will say though the best sounding guitars I’ve had sound amazing with almost any pickup, which is why I also always compare pickups in the same exact guitar to be fair. And that includes the sacrilege pickup comparisons I’ve even done in some ‘50’s and ‘60’s Gibson’s