Fender Tonemaster... What do they sound like?


Well-known member
I remember someone playing one for me years ago, and I remember a ton of high end, treble. What do these things sound like? What amp are they closest to?
Are the cleans good?
Can clean channel get some dirt?
High gain channel-high gain? How much gain?


Ive always wanted play one. Supposedly one of the few times Fender has gotten close to the marshall dirty channel and fender clean channel on one amp.

Of course thats speculation, since I havent played one myself. But they have me very intrigued. Pete Townsend was playing one for awhile...
The other guitarist in one of the bands I am in owns one. It is the closest thing Fender has gotten to a Marshall. I really like it, but it is very bright. I would love to hear it through a different cab other than the stock Fender cab. I have been wanting to borrow the head someday to see what it sounds like through something else. Richie Sambora was touring with one for awhile, and I believe he used it on his first solo album.
Johnny Lang was using one when i saw him live once. I have an amp shootout from a magazine from 1994 where the Tonemaster took part in. If you really want to i can try and scan it.

And yes, the amp is very bright and VERY loud.