New member
Hi all,
this is my first post at this forum, allthough I allready lurked around this great place for a long time
During this time I purchased 2 Diezel Heads ( Einy and a Herbert) and gathered lots of infos concerning other gear. Now after I sold off my Marshall 2558 I decided to purchase a 4x12 Diezel cab, now I'd really appreciate any input concerning what cab would fit my needs
I play in a 2 guitar cover band, we play some ac/dc, gary moore, thin lizzy, sabbath, generally hard rock/classic metal stuff with the occasional "newer" song or ballad. The other guy plays an Engl Screamer Combo. At home I also play some chuggachugga
but that isn't much or would't be important for what cab to get.
Now I read through a lot of threads, but I didn't really find a fitting answer to my question:
What cab (speakers) would fit with both heads for the music we play? The old cab I play through is a Laney cab, I don't even know what speakers are in it, but it sounds ok. Now after reading a lot about the new Diezel cabs I really have bad G.A.S.
So, any input would be very much apreciated.
Thanks in advance and take care
this is my first post at this forum, allthough I allready lurked around this great place for a long time

During this time I purchased 2 Diezel Heads ( Einy and a Herbert) and gathered lots of infos concerning other gear. Now after I sold off my Marshall 2558 I decided to purchase a 4x12 Diezel cab, now I'd really appreciate any input concerning what cab would fit my needs

I play in a 2 guitar cover band, we play some ac/dc, gary moore, thin lizzy, sabbath, generally hard rock/classic metal stuff with the occasional "newer" song or ballad. The other guy plays an Engl Screamer Combo. At home I also play some chuggachugga

Now I read through a lot of threads, but I didn't really find a fitting answer to my question:
What cab (speakers) would fit with both heads for the music we play? The old cab I play through is a Laney cab, I don't even know what speakers are in it, but it sounds ok. Now after reading a lot about the new Diezel cabs I really have bad G.A.S.

So, any input would be very much apreciated.
Thanks in advance and take care