Florida Condo Collapse

  • Thread starter Thread starter Donnie B.
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Dude said he heard 30 secs of what sounded like constant lightening before it fell. When it fell he was on the side that didnt, came out on his balcony and the FD police and EMS were already there WHAT? They told him to go back in his condo. Somebody wanted something to disappear at all cost.

Theres no way a structure like that collapses when it was only 40 years old. If it had problems it would have shown itself but it still would not fucking collapse from top to bottom. Hell a fuckn house wouldnt do that all by itself, Ive seen a roof collapse but for the most part house was still standing. Wicked shit.
You guys are tone deaf. People died and you shoot off conspiracy bullshit after the forum has already banned several of you and taken down the off topic section. No respect for the victims. No respect for the mods and owners.
You guys are tone deaf. People died and you shoot off conspiracy bullshit after the forum has already banned several of you and taken down the off topic section. No respect for the victims. No respect for the mods and owners.
Report away asshole.
Report away asshole.
If you haven't figured it out yet. I don't need to report anything. People seem to have noticed what is going on already. Why start now? I am fine calling out toxic posts in public.
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There`s nothing toxic about this thread, if you think this is toxic you need counseling :ROFLMAO:
If the fuckn sky fell you wouldnt believe it, You would say the earth uprooted. You idioto_O
You guys are tone deaf. People died and you shoot off conspiracy bullshit after the forum has already banned several of you and taken down the off topic section. No respect for the victims. No respect for the mods and owners.
Sorry I havent been keeping up with this tragedy and I agree that its terrible that so many died in it but what is the problem with people discussing what may have caused it or challenge the official cause if there even is one being that it occured just two weeks ago and Investigations will likely take months.

Has Discussion of the Champlain Towers Condominums been banned from this site as well ?

Also I mean no disrespect to the Victims families or the mods or owners of this site by stating the comments above.
What is the problem with people discussing what may have caused it or challenge the official cause if there even is one.

Once upon a time...
long ago...
I spent 30 years as a mechanical engineer and designer.

Absolutely EVERYTHING I have seen, read, heard, and watched, leads me to believe these buildings
collapsed. I was hoping that maybe there were some other mechy types here who might want to
discuss the rebar evidence I showed.


That's not discussing what may have caused it. That's tossing really dumb ideas out based on cooked
evidence you found on the internet in the weird corners you frequent.

And every single one of your conspiracies must ultimately lead to WHO was behind IT, why they did IT,
and why IT is being covered up. And that ultimately leads to politics.

The End
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Once upon a time...
long ago...
I spent 30 years as a mechanical engineer and designer.

Absolutely EVERYTHING I have seen, read, heard, and watched, leads me to believe these buildings
collapsed. I was hoping that maybe there were some other mechy types here who might want to
discuss the rebar evidence I showed.


That's not discussing what may have caused it. That's tossing really dumb ideas out based on cooked
evidence you found on the internet in the weird corners you frequent.

And every single one of your conspiracies must ultimately lead to WHO was behind IT, why they did IT,
and why IT is being covered up. And that ultimately leads to politics.

The End
Hey Donnie I'm completely open minded on the subject, Like I said I havent been tuned into this so I wouldnt mind seeing what the RT bros thoughts on this are.
With your engineering background this would be perfect for you to swat down theories or just to give expertise on the subject imo.

I heard a whacky theory that it was demoed because John Mcaffee supposedly owned one of the apartments and they wanted to destroy his "Deadmans switch Server" which supposedly had dirt on powerful people which Seemed pretty silly for sure Another theory which seems plausable is that A sinkhole may have formed near the structure and from what I hear Florida is Sinkhole central.

I know it'll take a while for the authorities to investigate fully but I dont know why we cant discuss this, The More info the better imo .(y)
Sorry I havent been keeping up with this tragedy and I agree that its terrible that so many died in it but what is the problem with people discussing what may have caused it or challenge the official cause if there even is one being that it occured just two weeks ago and Investigations will likely take months.

Has Discussion of the Champlain Towers Condominums been banned from this site as well ?
Off topic was shut down because people couldn't follow simple rules. As much as I'm interested in hearing what an actual engineer has to say about the topic, that ship sailed (very very slowly with several chances to turn around).

Donnie, your response summarizes exactly why I wrote my other comment. I wish we could have a mature, informed discussion.

There were a few different threads about the BAD fire. People pointed out the melted steal and other things. The general threads were on topic and informative. You know what didn't happen?

No one shared a video with some top secret Pakistani lab commissioned by the FBI to test a small radius nuclear bomb, delivered through a wormhole created by UFOs, in the workshop behind BAD that was able to melt a top secret Hunter Biden email server.

So people are capable of thinking about what's appropriate, they just choose to make things political.
Every single one of your conspiracies must ultimately lead to WHO was behind IT, why they did IT,
and why IT is being covered up. And that ultimately leads to politics.

Pan and Spliff - don't act dumb.
You both know exactly what the issue is.
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Pan and Spliff - don't act dumb.
You both know exactly what the issue is.
Hey stupid fuck maybe somebody was tired of paying for that building ever think about something like that. A structure like that does not crumble from top to bottom without some major help.
Oh now were going to close the courthouse in Miami, interesting to see where this is going. :poop: Oh and shut the fuck up Donald