For those that owned both, compare the Uber Ultra with the Hell Razor

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And maybe the Hermansson 5GS….

I had basically committed to pulling the trigger on a new kt150 Hell Razor last week but too much idle time (business travel) saw that I hesitated when it came time to pull the actual trigger. Went ahead and ordered a Lenz Octane, which I’m pumped about, but I continue to just flirt with the Hell Razor.

My main concern is that I already have those bases pretty well covered via my kt88 UU and my 5/3GS Hermansson…based on clips as my ability to actually give a hell razor a spin is not so high. I know a few have had both or all three, looking to see what the YouTube representations don’t convey. That being said, @MrWoodchuck AIC clip of the Hell Razor haunts me still!
I had at the same time a UU EL34, Hell Razor KT150 and Hermansson 5GS. I found them all to be quite different from each other. The only commonality I found between the UU and HR is that both are punchy, powerful, more modern leaning amps. The UU is really though more of a modern/clinical, tighter voiced Uberschall with the richness and chewiness stripped out. It’s still a low mid dominant amp like other Uber’s, which is not what the HR or 5GS is

When AB’ed the HR sounded way more articulate, detailed, faster/better tracking (UU can get a bit washed out in note quality), more punchy, more headroom from its 150 powersection, more raw, gritty, organic tone, more cutting, made the UU sound like it was underwater and really filtered, sterile/synthetic sounding in comparison. It was just a far superior amp in almost every way to me. The only thing the UU had over it is thicker low mids and the overall Uber flavor that I love, but my Rev 1 Uber wiped the floor with it in that department, so it was for sale

The 5GS (and all Hermansson’s I’ve had including the recto mods) when AB’ed with my Hell Razor were more compressed, forgiving to play, more modern, clanky, tighter, faster, sharper attack and highs, more scooped/hollow throughout the entire midrange spectrum, but this is all just the distinct Hermansson voicing. My HR could be dialed in a similar ball park, but not the same. The HR filled the room more, had again more clarity/detail and again tracked better in hearing and feeling the notes more distinctly on very fast riffs and palm mutes even though the Hermansson is tighter and faster still. The Hermansson’s are great amps too. The UU I really didn’t care for. Way too filtered and sterile/synthetic sounding, resulting to me in a cardboard type flavor
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I had at the same time a UU EL34, Hell Razor KT150 and Hermansson 5GS. I found them all to be quite different from each other. The only commonality I found between the UU and HR is that both are punchy, powerful, more modern leaning amps. The UU is really though more of a modern/clinical, tighter voiced Uberschall with the richness and chewiness stripped out. It’s still a low mid dominant amp like other Uber’s, which is not what the HR or 5GS is

When AB’ed the HR sounded way more articulate, detailed, faster/better tracking (UU can get a bit washed out in note quality), more punchy, more headroom from its 150 powersection, more raw, gritty, organic tone, more cutting, made the UU sound like it was underwater and really filtered, sterile/synthetic sounding in comparison. It was just a far superior amp in almost every way to me. The only thing the UU had over it is thicker low mids and the overall Uber flavor that I love, but my Rev 1 Uber wiped the floor with it in that department, so it was for sale

The 5GS (and all Hermansson’s I’ve had including the recto mods) when AB’ed with my Hell Razor were more compressed, forgiving to play, more modern, clanky, tighter, faster, sharper attack and highs, more scooped/hollow throughout the entire midrange spectrum, but this is all just the distinct Hermansson voicing. My HR could be dialed in a similar ball park, but not the same. The HR filled the room more, had again more clarity/detail and again tracked better in hearing and feeling the notes more distinctly on very fast riffs and palm mutes even though the Hermansson is tighter and faster still. The Hermansson’s are great amps too. The UU I really didn’t care for. Way too filtered and sterile/synthetic sounding, resulting to me in a cardboard type flavor
What Sam said. The HR wipes the floor with the UU.
Should’ve mentioned that I also have a Lenz High Octane (and Hot Chili) and it’s a great amp. I think you’ll like it too. Pretty different also from the UU and others amps mentioned, but also enjoy it much more than that amp
I had at the same time a UU EL34, Hell Razor KT150 and Hermansson 5GS. I found them all to be quite different from each other. The only commonality I found between the UU and HR is that both are punchy, powerful, more modern leaning amps. The UU is really though more of a modern/clinical, tighter voiced Uberschall with the richness and chewiness stripped out. It’s still a low mid dominant amp like other Uber’s, which is not what the HR or 5GS is

When AB’ed the HR sounded way more articulate, detailed, faster/better tracking (UU can get a bit washed out in note quality), more punchy, more headroom from its 150 powersection, more raw, gritty, organic tone, more cutting, made the UU sound like it was underwater and really filtered, sterile/synthetic sounding in comparison. It was just a far superior amp in almost every way to me. The only thing the UU had over it is thicker low mids and the overall Uber flavor that I love, but my Rev 1 Uber wiped the floor with it in that department, so it was for sale

The 5GS (and all Hermansson’s I’ve had including the recto mods) when AB’ed with my Hell Razor were more compressed, forgiving to play, more modern, clanky, tighter, faster, sharper attack and highs, more scooped/hollow throughout the entire midrange spectrum, but this is all just the distinct Hermansson voicing. My HR could be dialed in a similar ball park, but not the same. The HR filled the room more, had again more clarity/detail and again tracked better in hearing and feeling the notes more distinctly on very fast riffs and palm mutes even though the Hermansson is tighter and faster still. The Hermansson’s are great amps too. The UU I really didn’t care for. Way too filtered and sterile/synthetic sounding, resulting to me in a cardboard type flavor
Was gonna post something but yeah you said it all haha
Own all three currently. Hermanssons and wizards both have the inherently hollow sounding mids, people love it or hate it. The uber ultra has the mids that are associated with other Ubers, rectos, etc scooped but sit well in context of other instruments. The low end on both wizard and hermansson have this sharp spike upward causing them both to have the low end punch that they’re known for. This gives a very cool in the room sound, but on a recording you’d want a lot less of it than it’s actually capable of. The uber ultra can be very loud and punchy but more in the wall of sound way and not a sharp spike at 130 hz… this is what it is on the Hermanssons and wizards I’ve measured it several times on recordings. Wizards are always going to have the uncompressed sound and the hell razor is no different. Hermansson is more compressed. Uber ultra compressed too… well depending what you do with the negative feedback. I like cranking it up which is how the old uber was. I think people fight this trying to make it more open but it’s not how to get the uber sound, manual even says so crank it up then turn the volume up to compensate for the more negative feedback.
All three have the ability to be super tight, uber ultra can get loose with the doom settings.

It really comes down to what you’re doing with these amps. All three are fun to play and you can tweak all three for days and find new sounds. Wizards I find what I like and don’t deviate, because I know they have a sweet spot that plays well with other instruments and sit in a mix and a spot that doesn’t. The hermansson there’s a bit more variability there. Uber ultra plays well with others. Is the uber ultra maybe not as clear as a hell razor? Sure… is it worth an extra 3500 bucks that’s up to the buyer. If I was worried about money… absolutely not.
And maybe the Hermansson 5GS….

I had basically committed to pulling the trigger on a new kt150 Hell Razor last week but too much idle time (business travel) saw that I hesitated when it came time to pull the actual trigger. Went ahead and ordered a Lenz Octane, which I’m pumped about, but I continue to just flirt with the Hell Razor.

My main concern is that I already have those bases pretty well covered via my kt88 UU and my 5/3GS Hermansson…based on clips as my ability to actually give a hell razor a spin is not so high. I know a few have had both or all three, looking to see what the YouTube representations don’t convey. That being said, @MrWoodchuck AIC clip of the Hell Razor haunts me still!

Congrats to (on?) the Lenz Octane. I'm very happy with my Lenzifier. And now i'm even more curious about the difference between his Original Build and my Marshallfier/Rectimarsh :D I still not know what to think about the Wizards. They're also pretty much unavailable in Europe.
I’m probably the biggest Wizard fan there is. Well Justin @WizardSouth-JP too. FWIW, both he and I sold our HRs (he’s actually sold 3 🤪) and still have our UUs.

The way I dialed them in, they were pretty close to my ears and the UU was half the price. I actually had 2 UU (el34 and KT88, but traded the KT away). The HR was a little smoother than I wanted to be and I didn’t like it as much as another Wizard I have, so I moved it along. It’s still a killer amp though. I’m still tempted to get a KT88 version as I do like the KT150 Wizards, but not sure I really need it.
If anything I found the UU EL34 I had to overall be the smoother/less gritty amp when AB’ed with my Hell Razor KT150. I’d think the difference could be even bigger possibly with an EL34 Hell Razor. Some say though the earlier Hell Razor’s were smoother voiced, not sure. Mine is definitely not
And maybe the Hermansson 5GS….

I had basically committed to pulling the trigger on a new kt150 Hell Razor last week but too much idle time (business travel) saw that I hesitated when it came time to pull the actual trigger. Went ahead and ordered a Lenz Octane, which I’m pumped about, but I continue to just flirt with the Hell Razor.

My main concern is that I already have those bases pretty well covered via my kt88 UU and my 5/3GS Hermansson…based on clips as my ability to actually give a hell razor a spin is not so high. I know a few have had both or all three, looking to see what the YouTube representations don’t convey. That being said, @MrWoodchuck AIC clip of the Hell Razor haunts me still!

I just thought the amp made by Jeremy will be closer to a Hell razor ? Just give a thought based on the clips have heard i guess the clip made was from @RedB4Black
I’m probably the biggest Wizard fan there is. Well Justin @WizardSouth-JP too. FWIW, both he and I sold our HRs (he’s actually sold 3 🤪) and still have our UUs.

The way I dialed them in, they were pretty close to my ears and the UU was half the price. I actually had 2 UU (el34 and KT88, but traded the KT away). The HR was a little smoother than I wanted to be and I didn’t like it as much as another Wizard I have, so I moved it along. It’s still a killer amp though. I’m still tempted to get a KT88 version as I do like the KT150 Wizards, but not sure I really need it.
I am guessing i played the kt88. Whatever it was, it was a nice amp. I wanted to hate it, but sounded so good and punched so hard.
I am guessing i played the kt88. Whatever it was, it was a nice amp. I wanted to hate it, but sounded so good and punched so hard.

You played both. I thought they pretty sounded the same. So I traded the KT to Cesar for his Hellion
Well folks here.... i bought a Wizard Hybrid KT150 from a member here as well i guess but after playing the KT200 MTL mk2 i guess the Hybrid is loosing its depth lowend response and due to the KTs on it it sounded more modern but without the punishing lowend... last year i remember taking with @RedB4Black and his advice was same as what i felt after recieving the hybrid... its a fantastic amp for sure but its missing the depth the element towards a modern amp in my opinion should be featured but it has the MC2 contour knob... i then recalled its probably time to do the Jeremy wizard mods myself changing the contour knob to a depth knob but thing is the Hell razor also caught my attention.... i am not sure if its better for me to sell off the Hybrid kt150 for a Hellrazor ....