Friedman Marsha owners - Share your amp settings

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Well-known member
Just got a Friedman Marsha and would like to try some settings from Marsha owners with more experience with the amp.
How about some Jerry Cantrell Marsha settings...
Pres - 12:30 - 1:00
Bass - 2:00
Mid - 1:00 - 2:00
Treb - 2:00 - 2:30
V1 - 10:00 - 11:00
v2 - 5:00

Hope you dig on some Cantrell tones :)
Bass 6.1/4 Mids 6.1/4, treb close to 7, Presence 6 1/4. Volumes are at 10 O 'clock on the hot, and 11 o clock on the Cleaner No options are on (FAt ,sat JBE, etc.)I also use the return volume as a master Global volume on the Effects loop- Set this to your liking for volume, but I set mine strait up.
That amp should last you eons and cover damn near any marshall era you'll need. You can get a great 60's marshall tone by lowering the gain to about 8 o clock and drilling the volume. One of my favorite cleaner tones but has some swank and sex going on : )

LOL..Be a man Brent! Your too conservative.!
Bass 3 o'clock
Mids 11 o'clock
Treble 10o'clock to noon (depending on guitar)
Presence 10 o'clock to noon (depending on guitar)
Drive can be anywhere from 2 o'clock to dimed depending on BE or HBE. Usually dimed on BE

That's with no sat, c45, fat or mod switch on

One of my favorite tones is to back off the gain, crank the master volume and flip on the C45...awesome with single coils.

I'm running a Port City OS 2x12 with scumback M75/H75 mix

Awesome amp!
I run mine with everything damn near straight up. I usually end up backing the bass off a little bit (11:00), bumping the treble (1:00) and then dial in the mids and presence to suit the guitar/cab/room. For my blues gig I use the BE setting with the gain at 1:00 and just ride my guitar's volume between clean and dirty. For hard rock/metal, I simply switch to HBE with the same approximate settings. I also have the full clean which is absolutely of the best cleans that I've heard (bass and treble at 10 and 2 o'clock). I have the SAT and MOD switches but never use them. The SAT switch can be cool for a more aggressive voicing...somewhat like some Cameron clips that I've heard, but I don't use that tone at this point.
Nothing complicated here, everything at 12:00. BE. Gain @ 1:00 for general rhythm and dimed for solos'.