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Quick question about biasing a Friedman SS100. I've biased other amps in the past, but never a Friedman. Could anyone post up a quick walkthrough of biasing this amp? What mA range should the amp be? I just picked it up and unfortunately one of the ARS EL34 tubes rated at "50" was smashed when I opened the box. I have a set of JJ EL34's that say "40" on the box. Just want to make sure I have the amp setup correctly.
Also, is it ok to pop one replacement tube in the broken one's spot? Should it be an ARS valued at 50? Thanks very much! I've owned this amp in the past and it is absolutely killer.
Also, is it ok to pop one replacement tube in the broken one's spot? Should it be an ARS valued at 50? Thanks very much! I've owned this amp in the past and it is absolutely killer.