Front mount speaker cab guys.....



Well-known member
Hey people !! Just wondering what are the foam gasket you guys have on your front mount speaker cab when ya swap ya speakers ?

Would any back mount speakers selling on market do the job ? Or its gonna be just too big ?

Any chime in appreciate :)
I always install them, they get a firmer fit.

I have front loaded cabs.

As far as the type/kind - they came with the speakers but a lot of people make them and they should be fairly cheap.
Right now, I am using an older Front-Loaded Soldano 412, and the last time I installed speakers on it, the foam gasket was missing or didn't have it prior to. It had the original soldano speakers in there, so I don't think it originally had any.
All my Randall Warhead cabs are front mounted included the 2x15 cabs. When I changed out some of the V30s for K100s I noticed none of them had gaskets. Note that these cabs have a metal plate that covers the whole front of each cab. Note, this pic was taken off the internet. My stacks are buried in storage. I got a glimpse of them with Bloodrock Chris a couple of months ago and giggled.
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On my ubercab it has gaskets on the T75s but not the V30s, my old Randall didn't have any at all, not sure if it really makes a difference on guitar cabs or not.

I think the gasket makes a big difference not in tone but rather performance of ya cab... gasket is to seal the movement of air from escaping when you are playing loud ? And especially damping factor is high "depth knob" it prevents rattling of speaker rim against the baffle wall where the cone sits not damaging it with respect to time...
If you were to watch the Fryette talk show he also mention about the sealed cab preventing air escape thus the speakers moves lesser bringing longer life on your speakers

Since many manufactuer cone comes with gasket readily for back mount, few has gotta sealant foam readily at back of the speakers rim.... one is eminence whom i know they came with it... but i just wanna know how you guys solve this for speakers didnt have that foam for front mount...
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I needed to deal with this when I switch the speaker in an old mesa combo, I just bought gasket and adhesive from a speaker supply place.
I needed to deal with this when I switch the speaker in an old mesa combo, I just bought gasket and adhesive from a speaker supply place.

Thanks... but will you share what kinda gasket you used ? Its for my VHT fatbottom 412 and i needed to load set of scumbacks in and am lacking the place on the web for front mount gasket.... or seals...
When I built a 2x12 front loaded cab I just bought some generic self-adhesive ‘speaker gasket’ in a roll off eBay. Stuck it to the cab so it stays put if I change speakers. Seemed to work fine.

The real pain is when the speaker holes are the right size for one speaker but sliiightly too small for another so they don’t sit flush.
For my 2x12 I went the same way as mnemonic, I just bought a gasket tape and glued it to the baffle, not to the speaker.
No gasket on mid 90's Peavey MS412. Don't think it makes much diffrence. If you ABSOLUTELY have to do "something" and don't mind it sticking to the speaker and cab, a thin layer of automotiv e RTV should be fine. Genereic brand perfectly adequate, should be able to get at any auto parts store, Black would probably look best. Alternatley, paintable caulk from the home improvement store.
All my Randall Warhead cabs are front mounted included the 2x15 cabs. When I changed out some of the V30s for K100s I noticed none of them had gaskets. Note that these cabs have a metal plate that covers the whole front of each cab. Note, this pic was taken off the internet. My stacks are buried in storage. I got a glimpse of them with Bloodrock Chris a couple of months ago and giggled.View attachment 392462
I still have my 4x12
I hold have kept the rest lol
No gasket on mid 90's Peavey MS412. Don't think it makes much diffrence. If you ABSOLUTELY have to do "something" and don't mind it sticking to the speaker and cab, a thin layer of automotiv e RTV should be fine. Genereic brand perfectly adequate, should be able to get at any auto parts store, Black would probably look best. Alternatley, paintable caulk from the home improvement store.
I once used sealant on a speaker basket. During disassembly I ended up with a deformed basket and ruined plywood.
Thanks... but will you share what kinda gasket you used ? Its for my VHT fatbottom 412 and i needed to load set of scumbacks in and am lacking the place on the web for front mount gasket.... or seals...

I believe it was this

but for a Scumback I'd email Jim and see what he recommends

For me it was just going in an open back combo so not sealed so it was making sure it didn't rattle and was cushioned a bit