Frustrating High Frequency Hum/Interference

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Cool Kid Seattle

New member
Hello folks. I’m having a serious problem with a high frequency interference in my set up. I’m pretty sure it’s more than just ground loop hum but I’m definitely an expert. The sound goes away when I touch the metal foot switch on the Plethora with my hand or if I touch the metal on my guitar cable jack. Also when I touch the metal ring on my three way toggle.

I’m running a simple digital rig.

Two Notes Opus into MXR 10 eq into Plethora X3. Pedals are connected with EBS patch cables. Powered by Cioks HI5.

I get the evil sound happens on my headphones and FRFR cabinet.

I’m open to any suggestions you might have.

Thank you
Unplug everything including your guitar. Just the amp into a cabinet. Does it still hum? If so, try a different outlet. Add back in one thing at a time until you find the culprit and can assess from there.

I’m wiling to bet it’s something with the input jack design. Sounds like your guitar isn’t grounded to the amp.
I've had this problem with TC pedals before, especially the digital ones.

I got rid of my polytune because it added a strange digital noise, that I could not get rid of.

Tried was the pedal, for me.

These can help too. Each outlet is isolated and filtered.

As well as truly isolated pedal power supplies.
Unplug everything including your guitar. Just the amp into a cabinet. Does it still hum? If so, try a different outlet. Add back in one thing at a time until you find the culprit and can assess from there.

I’m wiling to bet it’s something with the input jack design. Sounds like your guitar isn’t grounded to the
Unplug everything including your guitar. Just the amp into a cabinet. Does it still hum? If so, try a different outlet. Add back in one thing at a time until you find the culprit and can assess from there.

I’m wiling to bet it’s something with the input jack design. Sounds like your guitar isn’t grounded to the amp.
cheers for the reply. I separated my pre amp( The Opus) from the my Cioks power supply on my board. I used the factory power supply for the Opus and still have the same piercing sound. I also have the sound when I’m using my Two Notes Revolt tube preamp plugged into the house outlet. I’m also using a Morley Hum X and it makes no difference.
I've had this problem with TC pedals before, especially the digital ones.

I got rid of my polytune because it added a strange digital noise, that I could not get rid of.

Tried was the pedal, for me.

These can help too. Each outlet is isolated and filtered.
View attachment 382820

As well as truly isolated pedal power supplies.
Cheers for the reply. I tried powering the opus with its factory power supply no Plethora and the piercing sound is the same.
Cheers for the reply. I tried powering the opus with its factory power supply no Plethora and the piercing sound is the same.
I'd say it's your spaces power ....get the thing I posted...or something like it ....just saying.

Sounds like a bad ground...or "ground fault"
I have plugged my rig and the individual pedals into every outlet in my house and the sound is still there. I have turned off all major appliances and no luck.
I have plugged my rig and the individual pedals into every outlet in my house and the sound is still there. I have turned off all major appliances and no luck.
That's what I'm saying.....many factory power supplies don't quite do the job ...

I'm just giving tips from my experience. My house has terrible older power ....and my isobar stops it. Period.
I'd say it's your spaces power ....get the thing I posted...or something like it ....just saying.

Sounds like a bad ground...or "ground fault"
Copy that. Does that function like a Hum X from Morley? I’ll be logging into Amazon right away. Thank for the suggestion.
Ordered an Isobar from Amazon. Thank you for the help. I live in an older house in an older part of Seattle. Im gonna be gigging at some older venues so this should cover me all around. I’ll deep dive the article you suggested.
Hopefully it relieves the issue.?

I run my whole rig off of one. Both amps, and my pedal board. My pedalboard has a built in isolated supply as well.
Seems to keep things pretty quiet.

I can turn my amp all the way up, stand without my hand on anything, no noise. But I do use a double gate ...but I think you get the point.